Fic - A Different Kind of Kiss, Chapter 5

Mar 05, 2010 00:39

Title: A Different Kind of Kiss
Chapter: 5/7
Rating - M
Pairing - Janto, John/Ianto (a little), Owen/Tosh
Spoilers - 2x01 Kiss Kiss Bang Bang
Warnings - OOC (just in case)
Summary - What would've happened if Ianto had heard Jack talking to Gwen. If instead of Gwen going with Hart, Ianto did? And what if Hart decided there was something he wanted more then the Arcadian Diamond?
A/N - Huge, huge thankyou to everyone who reviewed. You guys made my day *cookies* for you guys :). Also big thanks to anyone who read, you guys rock as well ;). And in case you missed it, there is a little John/Ianto in this.
A/N 2 - So originally this story ended in this chapter, with Jack on the roof, which would then lead on to the sequel. But it didn't feel right, so I added more. Which I'm now not too sure about, but that I hope you like it anyway.

Chapter 5

Watching Ianto go, Jack felt like someone had pulled the rug out from under him. He knew that Ianto would be angry, maybe a little distant, at his return, but he hadn’t expected to be refused.

He wanted to make what he had with Ianto work, wanted the other man to share everything with him, become a part of all parts of Ianto’s life.

Asking him on a date had been the first step, the first step to show Ianto that he did care about him, and wanted to be in a relationship with him. He hadn’t been sure what Ianto would say, but he hadn’t thought it would be … maybe.


What did that mean?

Moving to his office, he turned on the CCTV and watched as Ianto left the tourist office, looking like he had months ago, the day Jack had left to go with the Doctor.

When he’d gotten back and told Ianto he’d come back for him, he had thought that he could get things back on track, then John had come and thrown his life out of whack.

“Well, don’t you just look the part?”

Rolling his eyes, he turned away from the screen, Ianto having gotten into his car and started his way home.

“What are you doing here, John?” he asked.

“I came to see what the verdict was,” Hart replied, sitting in the chair and swinging his legs up so he could put his feet on the desk.

“Undecided,” Jack replied.

“Really?” Hart asked with a smirk on his face.

“Really,” Jack muttered, realizing that John’s part in the team wasn’t the only thing undecided. His relationship with Ianto was too.

“So … where’s Eye Candy? I thought we could have a threesome,” Hart said, waggling his eyebrows.

“Ianto went home,” Jack replied, turning his computer on, so that he could catch up on all he’d missed.

“Did he now?” Hart murmured, eyes watching Jack intensely. “I wonder if it had anything to do with you and the pretty little welsh girl.”

“What?” Jack asked. “What does Gwen have to do with anything?”

“Oh, yeah,” Hart replied, eyes dancing. “Before our little meeting he went off to find something. From the sounds of it, he found you and the lovely Miss Gwen in a very … interesting conversation. And here I thought you might have actually changed.”

Jack froze as John’s words ran through him.

“Ianto heard me talking to Gwen?” he asked.

“I gotta tell you, Jack, you used to be much better at stringing two people along,” Hart said, smirk on his face. “I have a feeling ‘Gwen’ would forgive you for it, but Mr. Jones …”

Jack stared at the computer.

“And I gotta say, I don’t get it,” Hart continued. “What with the way that Ianto kisses. He’d be someone I wouldn’t be able to stop staring at, let alone hit on someone else while he was around … at least for awhile.”

Freezing, Jack slowly looked back up at the smirking man, thoughts of Ianto catching what he’d said to Gwen leaving his head.

“You kissed Ianto?” he asked, voice deathly quiet.

Hart simply raised an eyebrow, not at all intimidated by the look on Jack’s face or the tone of his voice.

“Maybe he kissed me,” Hart replied.

Jack slowly got up from his seat, leaning against the desk, towards the other man.

“You …” he stopped himself, shaking his head and trying not to think of Ianto being hurt, knowing that Hart would’ve had his poison lip gloss, trying not to think at how close Ianto had come to being paralyzed or maybe worse, while also trying to ignore the spark of jealousy at the thought of John kissing his Ianto.

“You’ve seen him, Jack,” Hart answered, leaning back in his chair. “He’s fine and, if I do say so myself, I think he might’ve enjoyed the kiss. He certainly didn’t push me away.”

“Stay away from him, John,” he growled, pushing off his desk and walking over to grab his coat.

“What’s the matter, Jack?” Hart taunted. “Afraid of a little competition?”

He had John up against the desk so quickly that Hart actually looked surprised, before his usual smirk fell back into place.

“Well, this brings back memories,” Hart murmured.

“Don’t push it, John,” Jack growled again.

“What are you so afraid of, Jack?” Hart asked. “Afraid that Eye Candy won’t choose you?”

Grabbing the man by the coat, he led him down to the basement and into the cell room.

“Oh, you’re bloody fooling yourself if you think I’m getting in there,” John said, clearly realizing what he had in mind.

“I don’t trust you,” he said, slamming the other Captain against the wall. “And if you want to hang around, then you’re going to have to stay in here until I get back.”

“Where are you going?” John asked, the twinkle in his eye making it clear he knew where.

“Get in, John,” he growled.

“I don’t think Gorgeous is going to appreciate you barging in on him,” Hart taunted. “I mean if he wanted to be with you … he would’ve stayed.”

“Get. In,” Jack said, through gritted teeth.

Hart rolled his eyes, pushing Jack away from him and walking into the cell.

“Fine,” he replied. “But you better bring me back something to eat.”

Slamming the door shut, Jack made sure to lock it with his watch, knowing that Hart’s wouldn’t be able to over-ride his own, heading outside, and over to one of his favourite roofs.

Staring up at the sky, he tried to ignore the pain in his chest, as he realized how close he was to losing Ianto. He hadn’t even thought about what he might be giving up when the Doctor had come, just wanted to see the man again.

But now …

He hadn’t even realized that he’d moved, that he’d gotten into the SUV, hadn’t realized where he was driving until he’d stopped, and now, here he sat, staring at the door that led to Ianto.

He rested his head back against the head rest of the seat, feeling a tiredness in his bones that he hadn’t felt for a long time. The Master had enjoyed seeing how long he could stay awake, how long he could push him, torture him, and he hadn’t felt this tired.

He wasn’t sure how long he sat there, staring at the house, trying to figure out what to do; whether to go in or to drive away and wait until tomorrow. He didn’t realize he had fallen asleep until he was woken by a soft tapping at his window.

He swallowed hard as he wound the window down, unable to stop his heart from skipping a beat as he looked up into Ianto’s sleepy eyes, small smile crossing his face at the tousled hair on the usually immaculately dressed young man.

“I can explain,” he blurted out.

Ianto raised one eyebrow, amusement entering his eyes as he stared at Jack questioningly.

“I … uh,” Jack started, his usually unflappable ability at creating a story leaving him. “Just was … driving around and-”

“Coffee?” Ianto interrupted him, a small smile on his face, holding a cup just outside the window.

Taking the cup, Jack stared at it, wondering why he felt like he was missing something.

“I’ll see you in the morning, Sir,” Ianto said, moving back around the car and back to his door.

“Ianto,” he called, getting out of the car quickly, needing to know if what John told him was true.

Ianto stopped just outside his door, turning back around to face him, again with his eyebrow raised in question. He knew he should explain, explain what happened with Gwen, but the only thing he can think about is John, John kissing Ianto, and he needs to know if it’s true, or whether John is just teasing him.

“John … told me that … did you kiss him?” he asked, feeling his heart start to race.

“He kissed me,” Ianto replied, one shoulder lifting in a shrug. “But, I didn’t push him away immediately.”

Jack nodded looking down at his feet, trying to push the jealousy and anger away. John, John had kissed Ianto, had held him for a short period of time, had pushed up against that hard, warm body.

“Right,” he said, trying to send Ianto his best smile, but only able to muster up a weak one, hand running through his hair, as he tried to will the tightness in his chest away. “Right.”

He gave Ianto a nod, before turning and walking away, the rain starting to fall refreshing on his face.


Turning back he watches as Ianto jogs down the steps, realizing for the first time that Ianto is only wearing a t-shirt and boxers, the shirt quickly molding against his chest as the rain gets heavier.

“What are you doing here, Jack?” he asked, the rain falling down his face, plastering his hair against his face.

He knew he shouldn’t do it, but he couldn’t help himself, as he moved forward and cupped the young Welshman’s cheek, thumb rubbing across it, glad to feel the warmth, the images he’d had from the year that never was in his head further destroyed.

“Jack?” Ianto asked, concern evident in his tone, his hand coming up to grip his wrist lightly.

“I’ll see you tomorrow, Ianto,” he murmured, taking his hand away, a happy feeling filling his chest when Ianto’s hand stays on his wrist, the thumb rubbing against his forearm. Leaning forward, he kisses him gently on his cheek, just touching the edge of his mouth.

“Good night, Ianto,” he whispered, turning and walking away, wanting to respect Ianto’s ‘maybe’.

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A/N - So Ianto softened a little, not a lot (he's still going to make Jack work for it), but a little. And really who could resist Jack when he's looking all adorable and wet? I know I couldn't. Anywho, let me know what you thought :).

pairing: jack/ianto, fandom: torchwood, fanfic: a different kind of kiss, series: torchwood redux

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