Fic - Possessive - Chapter 7

Mar 04, 2010 17:48

Paul pulls on his leather jacket as he walks out the door.

The bonfire was a tradition on the Res. Every year they would have a huge bonfire and party, people cooking food, dancing, getting together and just having fun.

This year he has even more of a reason to go.

Not only because of his place in the pack, but also because of Jake. Who he knows is going, thanks to his quick phone call to Rachel.

His head snaps up as he hears a low whistle, eyes narrowing at Jared.

“And just who are you trying to impress?” Jared asks, a smug grin crossing his face.


As if he doesn’t already know.

“Someone we know, Paul?” Jared continues, eyes shining with amusement, and Paul is just about ready to wipe it off his face.

“Who? Black?” Embry asks, an uncertain grin crossing his face. Paul rolls his eyes and pushes pass the other two. The bonfire isn’t far from his house, probably the reason that the two idiots have come to follow him there, trying to tease him. As if he’s embarrassed by what he feels for Jake.

“Wait, you like Rachel Black?” Embry asks, a hint of jealousy entering his voice. Snorting, Paul rolls his eyes again, not bothering to answer the boy, especially when Jared has started cracking up.

“Oh, you have a lot to learn, little one,” Jared says, ruffling Embry’s hair, grinning as Embry smacks him away. “Rachel isn’t the Black Paul is interested in.”

“But, if it isn’t Rachel … Oh,” he says, looking at Paul, understanding crossing his face.

“That’s right,” Jared replies. Paul sees him looking at him out of the corner of his eye and for once he doesn’t feel the urge to respond, to show the other wolf who’s boss.

“You want to get into Jacob’s pants?” Embry crows in disbelief.

And just like that his patience is gone, angry at Embry for turning his imprint into some kind of object. Turning quickly, Paul has him pushed up against a tree, fisting his shirt, and growling into his face.

“You don’t know what you’re talking about,” he replies menacingly, pushing the boy into the tree as he moves away, straightening his jacket as he starts to walk again.

“Alright, man,” Embry says, holding his hands up, shooting a look at Jared, who shrugs unapologetically at him. “Alright.”

It doesn’t take long for the other two to start playing around again, nudging and trying to trip each other up. Paul would usually join in, kick both their asses and then move on. But he doesn’t feel the need today.

Walking into the area where the bonfire is set up, he quickly looks around, feeling disappointed to see that Jacob isn’t there yet.

“Ah, I’m sure he’ll be here soon, Princess,” Jared says, quickly darting away at the dark look that crosses his face.

He sits down by the fire, mesmerized by the flickering flame, and almost misses when two people join the group.

One is Jacob, and the sight of the young man makes him smile.

The other is Isabella Swan.

He rolls his eyes, throwing the stick he was using to poke the fire, into the flames, trying to control the fire in him that wants to go over there and rip the other girl away from his Jake.

“Your girlfriend stand you up?” Rachel asks, coming to sit next to him, a small smile on her face.

“No,” he says, eyes flicking over to where Jake and the Swan girl have just sat down, trying to shove the jealousy and possessiveness down, fighting the urge to go and sit in between them.

“So she’s here?” Rachel asks, sitting up a little straighter and looking around. “So … who is she? Just give me a hint.”

Paul can’t help but smile at her playful tone, rolling his eyes, and laughing as she pushes him playfully.

“That would ruin all the fun,” he replies, noticing out of the corner of his eye that Jake is looking over at them.

“Hey, Paul, man,” Embry says, coming and situating himself between the two of them. “I was wondering where you were, what with there still being food around.”

He punches Embry in the arm, hard, and smirks when he sees the young wolf flinch, knowing that he would love to rub it, but won’t in front of Rachel.

“Hi, Rach,” Embry says, turning and completely ignoring Paul. Paul can’t help but laugh a little at the boys’ obvious move and knows it would be fun to play with him, except that Sam is gesturing for him to come over.

He punches Embry once more on the arm, satisfied that he rubs it this time, before pushing himself up and walking over to his alpha.

“Mr. Clearwater, Sam,” he says, nodding at the two, and standing so he can face the bonfire, so he can see Jake.

“You with us, Paul?” Sam asks, eyes flicking to Jake and back again.

“I might be a lot of things, but I take what we do seriously,” he replies quietly, anger sparking through him at the insinuation that he wouldn’t do his job and protect their people.

“I came across their trail again,” Sam says, leaning closer to him. He growls in his throat, wondering what it is the blood-suckers are doing around Forks and La Push. They’d thought once the Cullens had left that there wouldn’t be any more problems.

“You want to step up the patrols?” he asks.

“Yeah,” Sam says. “Two people, we’ll rotate through the day, until we get them.”

He sighs when he realizes Sam wants him to do the first shift, any thoughts of finding Jake in some darken corner and having his way with him, going out the window.


Jake walks towards the bonfire, glad that Bella agreed to come, feeling nervous for some unexplained reason.

As he walks around the bonfire, his heart starts to race as he sees Paul sitting by himself on the other side, poking the fire with a stick, a far off look in his eyes.

Looking away, he blushes when he realizes that Bella’s looking at him with that knowing look again, her eyes straying away from his, and he doesn’t turn to see where she’s looking, afraid of what she knows.

Sitting down, he almost growls when he sees Rachel has sat down next to Paul, the same dreamy smile on her face as she had this morning, as she looks up at him. He feels horrible, hating his sister a little for sitting next to someone who has thrown his life into utter confusion, feels horrible because he knows that she really likes Paul, and he secretly hopes that Paul doesn’t like Rachel, that he likes him, the way Jake ...

He tenses as the thought comes into his head.

He likes Paul.

“Jake?” Bella asks, a small smile playing across her face, as her eyes flick between him and Paul.

“Hmm,” he says, not really paying attention to her.

He turns as he hears her laugh, smiling at the nice sound that he hasn’t heard much and that eases something in his chest.

“What?” he asks, moving uncomfortably on the log they’re sitting on.

She bites her lip, before she rolls her eyes, looking over at Paul, who he sees is still talking to Rachel and then back at him.

“Jacob,” she starts voice a little uncertain. “You know I love you right? And there isn’t anything you could tell me that would make me stop. Well, I mean there might be some things which would make me … Anyway that’s not important. What is important is that we are comfortable with who we are and who we love, that doesn’t really change who you are-”

“Bella,” he interrupts. “What are you trying to say?”

“Jake, are you … I mean, do you … do you like Paul?” she asks, face shining with curiosity and happiness. “Cos it’s cool if you do. I mean look at him, who wouldn’t be attracted to that.”

Jake follows her line of sight, seeing Paul in a deep discussion with Sam and Mr. Clearwater, the jeans he’s wearing hugging his hips, hanging in an alluring fashion, while the leather jacket makes him look like the bad boy he portrays, and makes Jake’s heart race just a little faster.

“No,” he says, ripping his eyes away from the older boy. Turning and seeing the disbelieving look on Bella’s face.

“Really?” she asks incredulously. “So … you guys were just wrestling this morning in your room?”

He curses the blush that spreads across his face, knowing from Bella’s grin that she already knows he’s lying.

“Rachel didn’t mention that it was weird,” he mutters, staring into the fire.

“She saw what she wanted to see,” Bella replies. “I saw Paul walking out with a smug smile on his face, messy hair, swollen lips, and, oh yeah, different shorts on.”

Ducking his head, he rubs a hand across the top of his head, face heating even more.

“Jake,” she says. “It’s okay. In fact, it’s more than okay.”

He looks up at her tone and sees her watching Paul as he walks off down a path, back towards his house. Jake feels a pit form in his stomach and fights the urge to go after him. And also to turn Bella’s head away from hi- Paul.

She turns back to him and from the gleam in her eyes; he knows she did it on purpose.

“You know I hate you right?” he asks, picking up a stick and poking it into the fire. Bella laughs, throwing an arm around his neck.

“Liar,” she whispers.

Snorting, his eyes flick up to the path where Paul had disappeared, wondering why he had left the bonfire so early.

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A/N - So Bella made it through the bonfire unscathed and Jake has started to acknowledge his feelings for Paul. Sort of. To himself at least. As always let me know what you thought :)

fanfic: possessive, pairing: jake/paul, fandom: twilight

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