100 of My Favorite Movie Quotes

Apr 25, 2012 12:17

#3. Speaking of revenge-y movies, I was watching Count of Monte Cristo the other day (always fun) and there are many goodies in that one. One of my favorites is probably not one that other people would pick. haha. I mean of course I like most of the things Dumbledore--I MEAN ABBE FARIA says, =), Edmond has some good speeches now and then, and Jacopo is pretty funny...but I'm gonna go with the moment near the end. Albert comes to his father's rescue from Edmond, who's about to slicey slice Fernand. Edmond doesn't want to hurt Albert, but the stubborn boy wont move out of the way and Edmond is about to plow right through him when Mercedes intervenes to explain who Albert's real father is. Right after that, the shocked son looks at who he had thought to be his father in disbelief. Fernand, in one of the best drawling, offhanded tones ever says:

Again, I'm not saying this is the best line in the movie, but I laugh every time. =P

count of monte cristo, blogging, challenge, 100, quotes

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