Jun 01, 2009 09:23
A really gray morning, not twilight, not light, just gray. A bit cool if not cold, it appears to be snowing, but it is just the poplar or the white cotton wood trees seeds floating all over.
I have been burying baby birds one a day for the last week or so. Not sure if the nest was made bad, or if something was picking them off one by one. Seems like one every day. It is over now. The nest is empty. I think, and hoped that last made it. Seems like it was other birds that were attacking it. Never seen anything, never heard anything. But what ever happened, it happened fast. Within minutes sometimes, or so it seemed. Walking by the tree there would be nothing, then it seemed like minutes later there would be a dead bird. It got me thinking to when I was kid, I had little pet turtle, in a round plastic moat with an Island in the center with a little palm tree. I put it outside, and he was gone. I always thought he got to hot in sun and escaped somehow. Never found him either, could not figure out how I could not find him since the patio was flat and quite large.
Now, I believe have the answer, a bird had to flow in and got him.
I managed to pick up 150 Apple II disks from the Craig's List. A few of them I do not have I am sure, at least I think so.