Welcome to another installment of the Domstone Legacy! Thanks to all those that commented on the first chapter, you left me with warm fuzzies! This chapter may contain sims from
aspenchronicles ![](http://pics.livejournal.com/twilight8x/pic/001debw0/s640x480)
All over a squeaky toy? Sheesh.
Seriously guys. They have to be one of my favorite couples.
Malik: I know this is a little soon, but will you be my girlfriend? Something about you just makes my stomach get butterflies...
Malik: You're a very special girl, Bindi. Please be mine?
Well, I take that as a YES!
Malik soon had to leave Bindi to go to his first day of work.
Gogi... Malik is already inside... But A for effort.
Malik invited Bindi over, 'cuz you know that's what people in love do.
However, the second she got in the door she vomited up and food that was in her stomach. I didn't think Malik's house would smell THAT bad.
I personally felt that his love for Bindi was rushed, but hey, sims can meet and two hours later be engaged. This was alllllll Malik's wishes mind you.
Dropping the ring? That's how you get dem ladies.
I love how with sims, their love doesn't seem so... Fake. They always have emotion.
Malik: Excuse me?
Malik: Don't give me that look. I know you all go to the bathroom with food ingrediants.
I think we ALL prepare for weddings this way.
Bindi: Flowers for my lovely fiance`?
The first guest arrived for the wedding!
And soon the second...
However, the other guests were a bit late. So the wedding continued on anyways.
That's how we do things around here.
Malik: Ready to be mine?
Bindi: Always have been.
Bindi: And with this ring...
I now pronounce you man and wife.
...You may kiss the bride.
N'aww Bindi... Never stop being you.
I wish they could feed eachother cake. I feel like it would be a great affect.
A couple days have passed since the wedding... And well... Gosh darnit this is all they do.
Bindi's bump has been growing very quickly.
I feel like Malik is going to be a great father.
Malik: Dear, have I introduced you to the tickle monster?
Bindi: Ha, please.
Bindi: Oh my God! Stop! Stop! It tickles!
What's the most sanitary place to go into labor? You guessed it! The bathroom. -_-
Bindi and Malik went to the hospital rather than having a home birth.
And it's a girl! Her name is Saga.
Everyone hates the baby stage. Including me. So I aged Saga up right away!
I take back what I said earlier about them being loving parents.
Me thinks she is ADORABLE! But she seems to look a lot like Bindi at the moment.
I can't decide if I think she is cute... Or creepy. We'll see.
I apologize for this being such a... filler chapter. And really spammy. But I needed to get it out of the way. Thank you for reading and please comment <3