Title: Double, Double, Toil and Trouble
Team: Human
Challenge: Sex
Rating: PG13ish
Character(s)/Pairing(s): Tanya/Kate/Irina
Warnings: Vague references femslash. And threesomes.
Author's Notes: I've never tried anything like this before. But, hey, there's a first time for everything, right?
Like three strands of a braid, they came interwoven and tangled.
They were triple tornados, to be feared with awed reverence. They seeped. They belonged together.
From the beginning of time - perhaps that was a dramatic calculation, but it often felt that way to immortals who had no recollection of the before. Sisterloverfighters with golden tresses and skin like cream, unable to tell where one began and the other ended, fingers laced, hair tangled and their voices. Lull.
Decades pass. Men drift through, occasionally die by frenzied fingers. But two items remain constant. The warmth of blood. And them.
Title: Seminary Soul
Team: Human
Challenge: Sex
Rating: PG13
Character(s)/Pairing(s): Ewdard, Renee || Edward/Bella
Warnings: None
Author's Notes: Takes place during Edward and Bella's trip to Florida in Eclipse.
“So… Edward.”
A perusal of her thoughts and his hands freeze over the loose-leaf pages of his “report”.
“Talking to Bella about this is like pulling a cow through mud, but I have to say something…” her words fizzle, like she lost her point for a moment. “You know how to use a condom, right? I know Bella says things haven’t progressed that far between you two but I have a feeling…” And now he only wishes she would lose her train of thought.
Thankfully Bella chooses that moment to descend the stairs.
“You’re welcome,” she mumbles into his shoulder.