Title: Days Spent Loving You
Team: Vampire
Challenge: Thanksgiving
Rating: PG
Character(s)/Pairing(s): Kate/Garrett
Warnings: None
Author's Notes: Drabble #1
Garrett will always be thankful to the Cullens for having their little crisis, and almost getting him killed because it brought him to Kate. Beautiful, lovely Kate...
To think that had they not gotten into trouble, he'd still be alone, traveling, searching for something to keep his attention, draw him away from boredom while Kate spent her days in Alaska... well, it wasn't something he liked to dwell on. It so easily could've been true.
But it wasn't, because Garrett spent his days in bed with Kate, playing with Kate, laughing with Kate, loving Kate.
It was so much better.
Title: Deadly Cooking
Team: Vampire
Challenge: Thanksgiving
Rating: PG
Character(s)/Pairing(s): Esme
Warnings: None
Author's Notes: Drabble #2
Esme loved to cook. It was such a simple, everyday thing, something most people never thought twice about. But in those days, when she worried constantly, scared everytime the front door opened, hoping it wasn't her husband... in those days, cooking calmed her. And thrilled her.
She loved making meals, adding the ingredients. Birthdays with cake and cookies. Thanksgiving, when there was turkey and potatoes, stuffing, cranberry sauce, gravy... a beautiful feast that she made herself, well, it gave her the most wonderful feeling of pride.
But sometimes... sometimes she fantasized about adding another, deadlier ingredient in, just for her husband.