Title: My Mind Doth Precede Me
Team: Human
Challenge: Breaking Dawn quotes
Rating: PG
Character(s)/Pairing(s): Edward/Tanya, Edward/Bella
Warnings: None, really.
Author's Notes: Edward POV. This is my first drabble here, so don't be gentle but be honest.
Her mind is a jungle gym as she stalks toward me; all loud colors and tiny corners to hide inside.
I hate you.
Would everyone be quite angry if I killed the human right now?
You can still change your mind.
I bet if I gave it another try you’d divorce the girl.
But Tanya constricts herself to a single coherent thought as she steps forward at the reception, cocking her eyebrows and aiming a smile toward Bella. She grips my forearm tighter than any pleasant acquaintance would, flashing me a tight grin.
"Ah, Edward. I've missed you."
Come back.
Title: Reasons Why You Don't Trust Alice in a Victoria's Secret
Team: Human
Challenge: Breaking Dawn quotes
Rating: PG
Character(s)/Pairing(s): Bella, Alice
Warnings: Once again, nada.
Author's Notes: I love Alice and Bella's friendship dynamic, so I couldn't resist.
Bella glared at herself. Tugged at the high hem line. Twisted slightly, the tag dangling from the seam fluttering. She self-consciously crossed her arms over her chest.
“Why am I covered in feathers?”
Alice frowned from the arm chair she was draped in, coming to stand beside her in the mirror.
“You don’t like it then?”
“Did you murder Big Bird for this?”
“I think Edward will like it.”
She quirked at eyebrow at the negligee, unconvinced.
“You think Edward will like it? Or you’re having fun with the vision of his reaction when he sees it?”
Alice smirked.