
Apr 25, 2003 18:21

I'm here, I swear. A lot has happened since I last wrote. Last time I wrote, my mom had made me un-quit and I wasn't looking forward to it at all. I think I lasted like a week and a half, and then I re-quit. I was called in to the store managers' office and was told that if they built a register for me, it would be 'discrimination against everyone else'. I remember leaving that meeting totally stunned that anyone in management could be so utterly oppressive. It totally sickened me. That's about when I decided to have a serious discussion with my mom, and she 'gave permission' for me to quit. I know it's dumb for me to have to ask, given my age. But anyway, on that day, I went to work and went through the door, and burst into tears. It sucked.
I had a birthday, so I'm 24 now. My best friend Aaron reminded me 5489749644565 times at my party that I'm old. He's 21, so he's just jealous. A lot of people got bombed at my party, so it was interesting. I was at the head of the slightly buzzed table, until I spilled the remainder of my daiquiri on myself. Then I was considered bombed.
My physical therapist says that since I quit, my legs move more, and I have more power behind them. And no godawful back pain. Woo! That in itself is worth the trouble I went through to quit.
*sigh* peace...
And, I'm back in school! For a BA in Child Psych.
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