Abusing my Mod Privileges---Cross Promotion

Aug 23, 2009 13:28

That's right, I'm cashing in on my Mod points (if their is such a thing, and if I even have any). I've taken hp_rumble over from another mod and spent the better part of a month setting everything up. First challenge starts Sept.2, and as I know many of you are also HP fans, I'd thought I'd post a link.

It has some things in same with the twiconathon , but a lot of it is different. Plus, this icontest is a group competition in addition to an individual one, for those who are about to get busy with school. So just click on the banner below and heck it out! Hope to see you there!

P.S. Once hp_rumble starts up on September 2, I'm refocusing my attentions back here, promise.  I've already started to recode things.  :)

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