Back From The Dead...Well Nearly

Jul 08, 2009 00:32

Yes, I am alive.  And I have returned to LJ after an extended, much unintended hiatus.

To make a long story short, RL handed me an EPIC curve ball that pretty much made me forget about LJ, facebook, e-mail, the Internet in general.  Around the start of February this year, I was involved in a hit-and-run.  Unfortunately for me, I was the "hit" part of the equation, and I was on my bike.  I had my helmet, and I do live in a huge city, so luckily for me the car that hit me wasn't going too fast.  That being said, being hit at any speed isn't that great.

I ended up with a few cracked ribs (which makes breathing really suck), a broken wrist/arm (I don't know why it's our instinct to stick out our hands to brace our fall because it never turns out well), a concussion, and bruises and scrapes.  For a few months, I honestly was unable physically to do anything computer related even if I had wanted to--my injured arm was my dominant hand.  Plus, I was experiencing the wonders of physical therapy.

On top of that, they caught the idiot who hit me (fleeing from a major intersection with cameras that take pictures of people running red lights is not the brightest idea), so I had to deal with a lot of legal issues.

But!  I'm all healed and getting back to the swing of things.   And I'm ready to continue running the twiconathon, that is if you all would like it to.  I'll be honest, I'm way out of the loop--I didn't care much for the first movie, so I took a break from Twilight anyhow, but the second movie sounds much more promising.  Plus I've missed you all (I'm still trying to catch up on my e-mail, but thanks to the few of you who wrote to see if I was still in existence).

So, to those people who are still actually checking in once and a while, is there still interest in this community.  My paid account expired while I was AWOL, so I have to update.  Plus, I'll need time to reconfigure things and redo pages.  There will be some major changes going down--I will be looking for at least one co-mod (maybe two) to help me out so this community won't go dead if something crazy like this happens again, the schedule will be adjusted to be more accommodating to my RL, and we'll probably go to every-other-week submissions because I know non summer months get really slow because people get busy with RL.  So, things won't probably be up and ready to go until Early-Mid August.  Although, if the makers of the Challenge that was going on when I left are still one, we can probably finish up the last round (we were on the last round, right?) in the next week or so.

So let me know if anyone is still here and wanting to continue.

I've missed you all, and I hope things have been great for you all!


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