Just six entries this round, but six really well-designed and funny icons. Thanks to those who participated for keeping things afloat--I hope you are rewarded for your efforts. :)
♥ Please vote for your THREE (3) favorite icons (ranked) AND explain your reasons in a screened comment to this post.
♥ Submissions that do not have three ranked votes w/three reasons and the special categories will not be counted.
♥ No voting for yourself, no soliciting votes for yourself, no telling people which icons are yours, and no sabotaging others. No posting of your icons until the results have been posted.
♥ Voting is open to anyone, not just members. Participants who vote will earn (1) point.
Voting Tally (Cut and Paste if you wish):
- FIRST PLACE: # because
- SECOND PLACE: # because
- THIRD PLACE: # because
♥ DISCLAIMER: The icons seen here are sole ownership of their makers. Do not copy, alter, or use without their permission. Base work done by the approved list of
twiconathon fanartists.
♥ Provided we get enough votes and no ties, voting will end SUNDAY, DECEMBER 28, 11:59 PM US CENTRAL TIME
Challenge Three, Round 8 Entries 01 0203