Challenge 2--Bonus 3--Twicon Banner Sets

Sep 20, 2008 04:08

This week our regular round and bonus round are dedicated to non-icon projects.  I'm particularly excited for this Bonus Round--Banner sets.

As you all know, this challenge has been particularly slow-going on the banner front.  Even having alternates did not really help because they were all MIA.  While I'm going to enforce a deadline policy next challenge, I still anticipate some problems because, hey, shit happens.  Real life gets busy, people get bored and go MIA, inspiration takes a vacation, or you simply forget.  And that's okay, but it leaves me banner less.

So, the challenge here is to create a banner set that I can use for the rounds where we end up banner less.  This is a unique challenge, so read all the rules carefully--there are a lot.  And because it's so involved, each person who enters will earn (5) points.  Remember--no reminders are given for Bonus Rounds. Hopefully the uniqueness of the challenge and the extra points will be an incentive for you all.  And hey, it affects you too--these could end up being your banners for next round!

General Rules:

1. All sets must be submitted to this post by Sunday, September 28 at 11:59PM US CENTRAL STANDARD TIME.  For our international participants who need help converting, try here.
2. You may submit only ONE (1) BANNER SET total. Per usual, you will be allowed to edit your entry until the deadline.
3. All textures, brushes, blending, stock, fan art (with artist's permission) and animation is allowed.
4. Do not submit previously made banners. Do not submit banners you yourself haven't made. Breaking any of these rules will get you disqualified.
5. Also, please post any questions concerning this round as a comment to this post. Comments are screened.
6. Participant's List, RANKINGS/POINTS, Resources, Suggestions, General Rules.

Bonus 3 Rules:

1. You must make a full set, consisting of all of the following five banners: 1st Place, 2nd Place, 3rd Place, Mod's Choice, and Best Icon in a Special Category
2. All banners must include "Twiconathon", "Challenge 3", and a space for the winning icon to be placed. 
3.  Banners should be no smaller than 300x125 px but no larger than 500x300 px
4. When you submit you banners, post only one image and below that post all the URLS for all five banners.
5. For examples of banner sets see HERE and HERE  (courtesy of austen_stills  and botanicalstills )
6. Entrants will earn (5) points for entering for this round only.

Icons are due by Sunday, September 28 at 11:59PM US CENTRAL STANDARD TIME.


entries, challenge 2, bonus 3

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