Are People Worth Fighting For?

Nov 16, 2008 19:47

The Public Out Speaking also known as the truth?  You ever think why people unnecessarily lie for and why they cannot tell the truth?  I am in such a predicament where honestly I am torn between doing the right thing or protecting a person that maybe is not worth protecting?  You see I care about a person who did not treat me so good, but yet I forgave him, but he feels that I should not have forgave him, but since I am a 100% good person, I am torn by stooping to his level or rise to my level once again? When a mean stooping to his level, I mean lying, protecting him for what for him being selfish, I hope out of all this he learns to be a better person than he is, cause right he is scarred shitless, thinking im gonna crack, but maybe I will, maybe I won't, we just never know, we just have to believe for the best and do right by people.  If one does right by another, then the same should apply.  When you deal with a liar, how do you handle it? What would you do? Would you stoop to the liar's level to get back at him or let the fate of karma take its course, cause in reality once a liar is always a liar.....People never change, they just unfold into the many layers they possess.  Will He Protect Me In The End?
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