Nov 08, 2007 09:02
Turns out my boss didn't get his job.
I was sure he was going to get it, he's done a lot while he's been here, things have improved greatly from what they were like before he started.
I really felt the two of us were making a lot of improvements to the way this section works, we work well together and more than that, I really like the guy. He's got a young son (about 5 months older than Beth) and he's always happy to talk baby stuff with me and give me advice, which is really helpful for me.
The only positive thing is that he's going to be here for another four months or until he finds another job.
Not only has this upset me for him, but it's also shaken my confidence in whether I'll get my job. So I don't think I'm going to be in a great mood tonight, sorry guys.