Looking for a place to park.Here we are, nearing my one year anniversary of graduating. For all my readers out there who haven't lined up a job yet, or even if you're in the same trouble as I am, there is still some hope to be had. You just need to look at it this way...
All the world is a parking garage and you, like everyone else, is just trying to find a space. There are really convenient handicap spaces that are located right next to the front entrance, but only people with special placards may park there. Sometimes, when you see people without special placards in those spaces, you'll curse them for it, even wish that an authority person discovers that they are not qualified to park there, but you'll drive on. There are compact spaces, and motorcycle spaces, and spaces that only allow one hour's stay, but none of those are what you need. So what do you do when the world is looking for a space?
Keep driving around, keep spinning your wheels, visiting the same floors again and again, hoping that somebody will leave their space just as you arrive. Keep moving, even when there's little hope. Because if you stop looking, no spaces will come to you. Chances are you'll find something, it's just a matter of how long you look.
If you happen to find a spot, but it's way too far from where you have to go, like you parked all the way over by Rite-Aid when you meant to park by the Louis Vitton on the other side of the lot, just take it. Slow motion is better than no motion. You can search around for a better spot later.
The best way to find a great space? Follow a friend from the front entrance all the way back to their space. So that when they leave, you can swoop in and take their place. Or even better, if there is stacked parking, ask him/her to move out quickly so you can get into the empty space in front of them.
Ok, I know this means nothing to those who don't know how to drive, but you get the picture, right?
Oh yea, I forgot to mention something that I don't think translates well into my metaphor. When you're chasing down jobs, don't forget to continue looking. Even when a job wants to interview you, or when somebody tells you that they have a job opening coming up, or you get excited because your search may be over. Don't stop looking. You want options, and you get that by applying everywhere.