(no subject)

Aug 19, 2004 23:27

Tomorrow I leave home after a fairly good, if consumer-driven, six weeks. I enjoyed seeing my high school friends, much more than anticipated actually, but it's time for me to move on, at least in terms of location. Charlottesville will be a cool experience from all counts so far, although who knows what law school will be like (besides hellish amounts of work).

I'm crushing again...which isn't especially new to those who've known me for a while, but what makes it unusual this time is that I'm (probably?) dating someone else. I've realized that it's ok to have less than sure feelings going into something more than casual dating, esp. as the person who didn't initiate the dates. However, I'm majorly into this second year law student I've been talking to (who initiated the conversation). Hottness, in this case, appears to be triumphing over practicality. How could I not like someone who says bye in a different language each time we talk (so far: French, Serbo-Croatian and Hindi), has away messages like "oot and aboot" (I had the exact same anti-Canadian message a few years ago), learned some Albanian in order to chat with the cleaning lady in his dorm, wants to do social activism while "dabbling in law school", and is incredibly good-looking to boot?

So do I call off the fledgling relationship in order to meet the hottie above, or do I enter a relationship knowing I'm incredibly intrigued by and attracted to someone else?

Too much stress. Help. (and no, it's not all dating issues, I have other shit in my life to deal with, like planning a birthday party for guests I haven't met yet).
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