Jul 21, 2009 13:07
I've kind of fallen off the wagon when it comes to these things, so I guess it's time to hop back up.
Fitness - it's a love-hate thing, but it makes me skinny so win!
Family - they are one of the most important things in the world to me, so of course they are going to be on the list.
Friends - also very important to me and something I always like to have more of.
Fuc.... - enough said.
Fires - I love fireplaces and campfires, which is part of the reason I like camping so much.
Fromage - si bon!
Freedom - as much as I miss some of the perks of companionship, I think I prefer having my freedom more. In an ideal world I can have a boyfriend where we have a shared portion of our lives, but at the same time have independant lives. I like having my space, call me greedy.
Firth, Colin - he is super delicious to me and I have no issues spending the day watching him do whatever on my tv.
Firefly - one of the most underrated tv shows that was ever made, and unfortunately was short-lived because of it :/
Fiscal responsibility - like fitness I hate it, but at the same time I like having a savings account and money laying around to go on a trip or buy something if I want.
Frappucinos - Starbucks. I love you. I hate you. I love you.