
May 15, 2008 13:47

My sleep pattern has pretty much become non-existant at this point in time. I no longer have the ability to control where/when I get tired, and more often than not I tend to fall asleep on the couch while watching tv.

This also contributes to why I've been on IRC steadily for the past 2 days. I keep falling asleep before I can bother to disconnect. O_o

In other news, this week was brutal at work. So much so that I have baked 3 different treats for my guys because they endured through the madness: homemade peanut butter granola bars, oatmeal apple cookies, and rocky ledge bars. All three smell delish and look amazing! Tomorrow I'm going to try and make Oreos from scratch. It'll likely be a beautiful disaster. I forgot how much baking makes me happy and mellow, and relaxes me completely.

But back to work, I snapped at Chemist Foo this week. I still feel bad, but then today I literally could have punched him in the nose. This past week he's taken to being more like K. than being his usual self, which means he's not listening when I'm trying to teach him things, and spends his time trying to tell me how to improve the way I do things. Now I'm all for constructive criticism, but dude, learn how to do the work before you start insulting the way I do it. Especially since I can do it all multitasking while talking and working tends to throw you for a loop.


And in other other news, I had a pleasant surprise when R. called me at work just to make sure she could wish me a happy birthday before she left for Jamaica today. Honestly, I know this whole Dave thing was a mess and horrible and sucked, but at least I found the silver lining in it all. I've reconnected with a bunch of people that I missed hanging around. So that's cool. Granted, she suggested I give myself the gift of getting laid to celebrate the big day.


So anyway, I think the universe is trying to tell me to travel more. I keep finding little extra bits of cash laying around, so I'm tossing it into savings. So far a few people on my flist have extended invites to visit. Earlier this week a co-worker asked if I'd be interested in going to Costa Rica, and another suggested that her and I should go to Chile. Personally, I'm totally down with the Chile idea since the resort looks gorgeous! But I guess time will tell. I should probably remind TBM that some of us are supposed to go on trips, hrmm.

chemist foo, travel, random acts of culinary genius, work related angst

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