greeting's y'all...

Oct 31, 2004 21:57

hey y'all...

actually, i'm from chicago, so 'hey youse guys' would be much more appropriate, but whatever...

so, this is my livejournal!  check that out!  i have no idea what i'm doing!

yeah, so it's halloween, a nice spooky time to start a journal...

what a fab night it's been...not to mention a fab weekend!  holy crap was that amazing!  the wilco, the was really awesome.

so, yeah, tonight the band totally dressed dear jeff was a theologian, and the guys were all ghosties!  and for the encore, glennny wore a mustard bottle he drummed in that thing i'll never know...  that played boc's 'don't fear the reaper' which was pretty hoT.

after the show, i managed to get backstage (as always) to show the band my totally cool cherry ghost costume (i dragged a chrome devil (angela), a smoky spider (dunja) and 'an alt country fan' (my dad) with me)  the band was all around adorable, with all of the costumed wierdos hanging around them.  jeff (my other dad....kind of...i'll get into this more later) guessed what i was right off the bat.  'jeff what am i?'  'you're a cherry ghost!'  'yeah!'.  i also go to hug glenn and take a hoT photo with him (so much sweat comes off of that man...ick) for the first time in over a year.  he's such a doll, still remembers me and so forth.

and now the interesting part (maybe): so, jeff was talking to a group of his loyal fans (wilco has some of the best fans in the world), in a circle.  i was not in this circle, but rather, outside of it standing kind of near the scene, not really paying attention to anything (i'm borderline add).  jeff turned to me and said 'are you having fun rosie?'  asumming little baby girl stance i said 'yeah....'  then he got this goofy smile on his face and kind of poked me affectionately in the little red spot on my cheek. it was so sweet and fatherly....but i think i'll be psychoanylyzing this for a while....hmm....

yeah, if i get any sleep tonight, that will be lucky.  more soon!

(ps:  nels was wearing a skirt....really freaking short skirt....i've never worn one like that (well, except when i was a wilco cheerleader back in june...but that's another story)

wilco, jeff, super summit, halloween

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