What's New?

Feb 20, 2007 10:19

Lets see its been a while so I guess I should update this site. Things seem to be moving along rather well for the most part. I took our house off the market. It was up for sale for two years and the market is just so soft that nothing is moving. The city and area is in such bad economic straights that there is a huge amount of foreclosures making this a buyers market. So now, I’m in the process of putting the house back together and unpack all the stuff I packed up so the house would be uncluttered for showing the house. I have decided to do some home improvements on the house, adding a new kitchen and master suite on to the back of the house. I’m hoping to get it done for under 30,000 but doubt that will happen. I figure I will get back almost all I put in, in resale value since kitchens and baths sell houses these days and will increase the square footage by 400 square feet. I’m still waiting for the last bid to come in to decide who to go with and to see how much I will need to beg the bank for.

RJ is doing pretty good. I don’t know if its being aspergian or just being him but he is always so negative. Mike can bitch about something on the tv and RJ auto assumes Mike is bitching at him. I ask him to shovel the snow and you would of thought I just asked him to move Mt. Everest or something. His shrink as part of his treatment said he is to go outside everyday no matter how cold or over cast it is for 20 minutes to get sun and some exercise, again you would think we just asked him to cut his left arm off. The only time he is happy is when he is talking about computer games or eating junk food. School wise he is doing ok… but it is taking him forever to get through his lessons. He complains if he has to work passed 5pm because he needs his free time…I tell him the quicker you get through this the more free time you can have. It’s like talking to a brick wall. He just stares at me as if I’m speaking in a foreign language. Oh, a positive note with him doing the homebound schooling I no longer have to fight with the schools or run up there to get him because of a meltdown. He has gone from a melt down a day to maybe one every 3 months when I start getting on him to get his work done because the semester is almost over and he is falling behind.

He is getting so tall he is almost 5’11” now and about 178 pounds. He gets annoyed at me because I keep asking him to get things down for me or put things back because I can’t reach. Next Monday RJ will be 17 years old…time really flies. He has a pencil mustache and is getting a beard, I keep telling him the mustache is fine but the beard has to go…its very patchy and just makes his face look dirty. With luck in June, he will get his braces off and we will be almost done with the orthodontist. It will be very nice not to have to drive to Battle Creek every 8 weeks.

With RJ not needing as much attention or time do to meltdowns and school issues I’ve started job hunting. I figured since he can do his schoolwork 24/7 that he can start his work when I get home or before I leave for work depending on what my work schedule will be. That way I know he is doing his work instead of hoping he does it while I’m gone, which I know kids well enough aspergian or otherwise, as soon as the parent leaves they do what they want and to hell with school.

It seems my family has started to fall apart…my dad had a heart attack a week ago, this after having the quad bypass surgery about a year ago. My brother was diagnosed with prostrate cancer and diabetes. He goes in for surgery the middle of next month. I guess we are all getting old but stuff like this just a wake up call that people won’t be around forever and this too shall pass.

House work is calling and time to put Mikes coffee on so its hot for when he comes home for lunch. I will try to update a bit more often than I have been. Remember to try and run between the raindrops you will not get as wet that way. :D
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