Fabulous Friday Fives.

Apr 23, 2006 04:11

From the altfriday5:

1. Is it easy to slack off at your job*? Why or why not?
It is and it isn't. I guess I could, but I'd still have to get whatever I needed to do done by the end of the night. And if isn't done well the night before, I'll have to work harder the next night.

2. Do you find it easy to stay focused on your work? Why or why not?
If it's busy, yes. When it's slow, I get distracted and want to socialize. However, most of the time I am very focused on finishing everything so I can go home.

3. What helps you to stay focused?
Having a plan of action, good coworkers, and plenty of energy.

4. What distracts you?
Friends visiting, fun coworkers, unusual work circumstances. Ironically, mess and chaos only makes me more focused, and determined to leave the store beautiful.

5. Has lack of focus ever been a problem for you (ie, to the point where it started to be noticed or get you in trouble)? If yes, tell us more about it.
Nah, not really.

From the fridayfiver:
1. When is the last time you were broke?
Around December I was pretty darn broke. I had enough money for what I needed, but I didn't have anything extra until well after December.

2. What makes you lose focus?
Internet, activities that I percieve to be more entertaining than what I'm supposed to be doing, friends visiting me.

3. How tall are you?
5 feet, 5 inches.

4. Are you brave or cowardly?
I'm brave most of the time. But cowardly about internet communication.

5. What's in your pocket?
A chart from the aquarium about what fish to eat and not eat, and chapstick. And a straw.

From the thefridayfive:

1) How do you feel about people who commit suicide? Such as, do you feel that they are too lazy to deal with life, have depression, do you feel sorry for them, etc.?
I usually feel confused by it. The only times I've experienced suicide, it was very unexpected and I was quite young, and there was really no context I was able to examine and derive conclusions.

2) What do you think people say about you behind your back?
Hmmm...Probably that I'm kind of strange. And blunt. Hopefully they say nice things as well, but I'm really not sure what.

3) If you could own and operate any major business, what would it be?
I really have no desire to own and operate a major business.

4) Are you/would you be embarrassed to talk to your friends or family about sex?
I'm not embarrassed to talk to my friends about sex. I've discussed sex with my family before, but felt decidedly more uncomfortable than I did talking about it with my friends.

5) In some cultures, young women are married and begin families as soon as they start a menstrual cycle. Do you believe this is right or wrong? Why?
It depends on the culture. For a typical American young woman, she would probably not be prepared to start a family. In another culture, where that is the norm, it is entirely possible a young woman would be ready to start and run a family, especially in a culture where children are involved in running the household at an earlier age.

thefridayfive, fridayfiver, altfridayfive

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