Beta Profile: czarinakitty

Dec 18, 2010 02:10

Preferred Name: czarinakitty 
Region: I’m on the west coast of the U.S.  (GMT -7), but I have a very odd sleep cycle, so I don’t mind working with someone on the other side of the world.

Story Preferences
Pairings: Any
Ratings: Any
Length: Any, but let’s talk before committing to a long WIP
Setting: Any
Genre: Any but AU
Pairing Type:  Any (including tentacles)

Betaing Dislikes
Pairings: None
Ratings: None
Length:  Negotiable
Setting:  None
Genre:  AU, songfic (at least not without a link to the song)
Pairing Type: None
Squicks: I’m not especially fond of bodily fluids, but I wouldn’t necessarily call it a squick.

Strengths: Character motivation (you tell me what a character does and I’ll tell you why), pseudo-science (I can B.S. my way through an explanation of just about anything), kink (particularly BDSM-my master’s thesis was on masochism), continuity.
Weaknesses: I can’t Brit pick.  I’m useless when it comes to editing HTML formatting.  I overuse commas.  I have no knowledge of current music or sports and tend to miss pop culture references. 
Beta Style: Varies, depending on the author.  I can be a sounding board for ideas and I love doing research, if that is what’s needed.  Or I can just read for grammar, spelling, and continuity. 
Are you fluent in any language(s) other than English?: No.
Crossovers:  New Dr. Who, anything in the Whedonverse, Harry Potter
Anything Else?:  My LJ page czarina_kitty   I have a degree in psychology with a minor in physics.  I'm also trained as a pastry chef.   Really, I just have a lot of eclectic interests.

genre: fluff, pairing: jack/gwen, pairing type: slash, pairing: gwen/owen, genre: friendship, pairing: owen/suzie, beta: spelling-grammar-punctuation, pairing type: poly, genre: family, pairing: ianto/lisa, beta: canon-compliant, region: north america, pairing: gwen/ofc, setting: series two, genre: drama, genre: thriller, genre: teamfic, beta: coe-fixit, length: ficlet, genre: humour, genre: supernatural, pairing: owen/ofc, rating: pg, setting: alt canon, pairing: owen/ianto, setting: pre-series, pairing: canon-compliant, genre: horror, setting: multiple settings, rating: r, length: drabble, pairing: tosh/owen, setting: series three/coe fixit, genre: tragedy, genre: fix-it, pairing: tosh/ofc, setting: series one, pairing: gwen/omc, pairing: jack/ianto, rating: g, pairing: others, pairing: ianto/omc, beta: available, pairing: jack/john hart, pairing: gwen/rhys, pairing: jack/ofc, pairing type: femslash, region: region-free, genre: hurt/comfort, genre: mpreg, genre: mystery, pairing: tosh/omc, pairing type: threesome, length: long-fic, pairing: ianto/ofc, pairing: tosh/mary, genre: fantasy, genre: parody/crack-fic, setting: series four, pairing: jack/omc, rating: pg-13, length: multiple lengths, genre: science-fiction, pairing: owen/omc, length: one-shot, rating: multiple ratings, beta: idea bouncing, beta: pre-series, pairing: multiple 'ships, beta: profile, genre: pwp, setting: alt reality, genre: crime, genre: cross-over, rating: nc17, genre: angst, genre: suspense, setting: series three/coe compliant, genre: multiple genres, genre: romance, pairing type: het, length: short-fic

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