Preferred Name: Bek or Bekah is fine.
Region: Australia
Story Preferences
Pairings: Canon-Compliant, Tosh/Anyone
Ratings: G - R
Length: One-Shots, Short-Fic
Setting: Series One, Two, CoE Fix-its
Genre: Action/Adventure, Angst, Drama, Cross-Over, Fantasy, Friendship, Fluff, Romance, PWP, Suspense
Pairing Type: Het, Slash, Femslash, Poly
Betaing Dislikes
Pairings: Gwen/Jack, Tosh/Gwen
Ratings: N/A
Length: Long-Fic, Ficlet
Setting: CoE-Compliant, Pre-Series
Genre: Parody/Crack, Horror, Crime.
Pairing Type: N/A
Squicks/Kinks: Scat/Water sports, Bloodplay.
Strengths: Brit-Picking, Characterisation, Spelling, Plot - I've been very blessed to grow up in a very English household. Friends and family and work colleagues all hail from the British Isles, so I know my knickers from my panties and my waistcoats from my vests.
Weaknesses: Grammar and Punctuation - I have a slight addiction to commas. It's something that I'm working on, slowly, but it's going to take time.
Beta Style: I'm pretty easy going as a beta. I will encourage and offer up advice when asked, as well as gently point out where things could be fleshed out a little, or stripped back to keep the plot flowing nicely.
Are you fluent in any language(s) other than English?: No.
Crossovers: New-Who (and at a push, I could probably steal abscond with my Dad's Old-Who DvD's in order to take a crash-course in Original-Who), Buffy the Vampire Slayer (Up to and including Series 8 if I'm pushed), Angel: the Series (Only up to series 5, I refuse to follow the comic book series 6, because it's a load of old bollocks), Dollhouse, Labyrinth, Harry Potter
Anything Else?: I'm best known for my cheer-leading, Brit-picking and spelling, and will gladly be your pom-pom waver if that's what you need. I keep very... odd hours, so don't let my location deter you. If you catch me during a "waking" period, I'm sure I can deliver pretty quick turn-around. I've a major in History and am part-way through a major in English. I'm great at research and swear by it, so if you need an extra set of eyeballs trawling the internet for that obscure reference, don't hesitate to ask. The few genres I have listed in my "Dislikes" section are genres that I definitely do not feel comfortable beta-ing, but other genres are all welcome (even if I've not listed them), talk to me about it first, and we'll see where we end up.