For those of you who may have been stumped by the
meme I posted the other day, I'll give out the answers, now.
Pacarana - this was arguably the hardest one since his clothing covered the spots on his butt.
Sand Cat 3.
Maned Wolf 4.
Sloth Bear 5.
Siberian Weasel - Also known as Kolinsky or Kolonok. They are the animal that the "best" paintbrushes are made of. Some more photos here: and here's a VIDEO of a Kolonok playing with a domestic ferret: 6. Prehistoric Horse or Three-toes Horse would have been accurate answers. 7.
Olingo - like a kinkajou with a non-prehensile tail and an anal scent gland. Fun times.
Jack Rabbit 9.
Big Brown Bat Hooray! Learning is fun! ^_^