Feb 26, 2006 23:14
A Pittsburgh girl knows just as much about football as her guy friends. She drinks beer because it tastes good. She owns a Steelers jersey not just because its cute, but because she supports her team. She loves Kennywood and isn't afraid to order cheese fries from the Potato Patch. A Pittsburgh girl loves Saint Patrick's Day, even if she's not Irish. Pittsburgh girls don't have a funny accent, they just speak a different language. A Pittsburgh girl bleeds black and gold and knows how to have a great time. She goes to church on Sunday only to be let out by the priest early because the Steelers kick off at one. You can take home a Pittsburgh girl to meet mom and dad. If you need a friend to take to the game, she'll be there. If you need a drinking buddy, she'll be there with her Rolling Rock in hand. You can take the girl out of Pittsburgh, but you can never take the Pittsburgh out of the girl.
Tee hee! I came across this and thought it was funny. A real update will follow at some point soon, promise!