Title: Moving Mountains
remuslives23Characters: Gwen, Ianto, Jack
Rating: PG
Summary: Ianto wants more wine and Gwen wants answers.
Beta: Both
dogsunderfoot and
eldarwannabe looked this over because I am hopeless at both commas and gen fic.
Prompt: 156 - post-’In The Shadows’ (audiobook), a team member learns Tosh’s program could not have brought Ianto and Jack back from hell. What happens next?
Notes: If you aren’t familiar with the audio book, ‘In The Shadows’: A taxi driver with a matchbook sends Jack to ‘Hell’. The team eventually figure out how it’s all been done and Tosh creates a program that can fetch him home, but before it’s ready, Ianto sends himself to Hell to forgive Jack for his sins and brings him home. At the end of the story, only Tosh and an OC are aware that it couldn't have been the program that brought Jack back.
Disclaimer: Torchwood characters and universe belong to Russell Davies and the BBC. No money is being made and no copyright infringement intended by this work of fanfiction. Title from a proverb: ‘Faith will move mountains’. Ianto’s part quote: ‘Hell is yourself, and the only redemption is when a person puts himself aside to feel deeply for another person” by Tennessee Williams.