kink: Bloodplay

Apr 07, 2010 13:51

Greetings fellow Kink and Seekers! I come bearing stories of bloodplay. Sadly there are not nearly as many stories as on our lovely list of multiple partner stories… but definitely a few tasty tidbits. I guess this just means we will have to write more! 

One thing that does come up a lot in bloodplay stories is that the actual bloodplay is rarely the main or only kink in the story. In most of the stories it is used in combination with other kinks and most commonly found near the end of the scene or story for rather obvious reasons - blood being both messy and on the edge of extreme for many people.

Throughout my seeking of this kink I have made a distinction between playing with blood in a scene for erotic fulfillment of some kind - for one or more of the players, and the use of blood as a tool for feeding i.e. vampirism, or its appearance as an element in a fight/death/torture scene i.e. as a prop or by-product. Since kink is all about pleasure and fulfillment of desires, I’ve only listed the stories that fit with this idea.

If you know of any stories that I have missed, please add them in the comments!


  Lesson Objectives  epithetta
Pairing: Jack/Ianto
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Jack starts to wonder if he remembered to apologize when he returned, especially when, one morning, he comes in to a box of freshly sharpened pencils, each one with a perfect set of bite marks on it.
Kinks: mild blood play

If you’re new to bloody play in your kink stories, then this is probably the place to start. Lesson Objectives is a fantastic story that happens to have some blood in it. This is a story about Jack discovering things about Ianto, some things about himself and about what’s going on between them both. Its short, sweet and yummy.

Le Petit Mort    anjenue 
Pairing: Ten/Jack
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Jack caught one of the Doctor's hands and brought it back to his neck, fitting it where he could feel fingerprints starting to bruise against the skin. 'I can't die,' he said calmly, though he felt anything but. 'Rose...she brought me back, and now I can't die. People have tried to kill me. I've tried to kill myself. But I just...keep coming back. And it's...' 
'...the only thing that makes you feel alive?'
Kinks: breathplay, bloodplay, character death / regeneration

Le Petit Mort is bloodplay as only Jack can do it - bloodplay and death as release and pleasure. In this story the only person who is strong enough, and maybe mad enough (in all senses of the word), to give Jack that complete moment of ecstasy is the doctor.  Written in 2006, some elements of this story have since been Jossed by later events in cannon, but that in no way diminishes its power or fun.

Playing With Sharp Objects   kahtyasofia 
Pairings: Jack/Ianto
Rating: Hard NC-17;
Summary: Jack and Ianto come together for their usual hot encounter but Jack has a special request.
Kinks: Knife play, breath play, blood letting, character death/resurrection

No list of bloodplay fics would be complete without a story from Kahtyasofia, and you’ll notice in the list below that her name is attached to several more stories as well. She likes to have our boys to play with knives! And this story, unlike many that include bloodplay, actually casts the kink as the star of the show. In Playing with Sharp Objects, Jack gets Ianto to cut him for the first time and, Ianto being Ianto, becomes rather adept at the game in no time flat. This is full on cutting and blood- and breath-play for ecstatic release. Its delicious in that wonderful way kink can be.

Private Performance   kahtyasofia 
Pairings: Jack/Ianto
Rating: NC-17;
Summary: Jack and Ianto each find a time when they need comfort and understanding from the other.
Kinks: knife & blood play

Hot Flames and Sharp Objects   kahtyasofia 
Pairings: Jack/Ianto
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Jack and Ianto are playing as they are wont to do.
Kinks: wax play, knife play, blood play.

Coming Down From the Higkahtyasofia 
Pairings: Jack/Ianto
Rating: NC-17
Summary: A violent job and near death experiences can bring on an extreme adrenaline high. Jack has warned Ianto to channel that high, and sometimes he has to let himself be the outlet.
Kinks: BDSM, light bondage, heavy discipline, bloodplay,

Note: This is also known as: Disciplinary Action

On the Inside  kei 
Pairing: Jack/Ianto
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Ianto Jones has always been good at cleaning up messes. Ianto Jones once told Jack that he'd watch him suffer and die.
Kinks: Violence, vore, bloodplay, knifeplay

In Our Bedroom After The War (Part 2)   rm &  kalichan 
Pairing Jack/Ianto
Rating: NC-17
Summary: (this is part of a much larger story called "I Had No Idea I Had Been Traveling"   this part takes place during and after Doctor Who 4x13: Journey's End.
Kinks: bdsm, d/s, (Blindfold, handcuffs, flogging/beating (belt), razor play)

Disguised Blessings  curriejean 
Pairing: Jack/Ianto,
Rating: NC-17
Summary: A different kind of fix-it fic. Happy birthday, Ianto. Sorry it's so late.
Kinks: blood, x-ray sex

The Rule of the Magician  wynkat1313 
Pairing: Jack/Ianto
Rating: NC-17
Summary: His need has pushed me past where’d I’d planned to go, but not past his own limits.
Kinks: Bondage, flogging, blood play                             

Got more?

If you want to suggest any amendments or point out any mistakes in the list above, please leave a comment.

If you want to suggest any additions to the list (which is intended to be exhaustive!), please leave a comment using the same template, which you can copy and paste from below:

by [author name] Pairings: Rating: Summary: Kinks:bloodplay

Don't forget to list any additional kinks that appear in the story (there's a general list of kink terms here, if that's helpful); it'll help when bookmarking the stories on Delicious!

bondage, bloodplay, breath play

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