Kink: Multiple partners (gangbang, orgy, polyamory, harem)

Mar 28, 2010 22:51

I claimed this kink because I love it, and can think off the top of my head several stories that I adore that fit the bill (and, um, several I've written myself).

On reflection, I didn't pause to consider just how big it is. Or rather, how broad. And how the different facets of the category can complicate it in many ways. Like, for some people, polyamory is just a lifestyle and for them, there's nothing kinky about having sex with more than one person at once. But then, for people reading fictional accounts of this - perhaps they're reading it because it's a kink for them.

Rather than attempt to form a judgement on just what's kinky or not, I decided to go with the most inclusive method possible - readers who like the 'multiple partners' kink may find any one of these stories kinky. It's personal. And there are so many of them that I've not had time to read them all, so forgive any of those who are the Anti-Kink, and don't forget to share your own favourites in the comments, if I've missed them out.

But, on with it!

My personal favourites

Negotiations by ukcalico
Pairings: Jack/Ianto/John
Rating: NC-17
Summary: "Ianto had to admit, he'd been almost relieved when John turned on them. John was a bit too attractive, and the way he looked at Jack set Ianto's nerves on edge. Quite clearly undressing him with his memory, as well as his eyes."
Kinks: multiple partners, threesome

Calico marks this as "Jack/Ianto, Ianto/John", but with the way she constructs the dynamics between the three of them from Ianto's POV, I can't think of it as anything but a threesome. If you've ever read anything by Calico, you'll know she's the master of intense, intelligent porn; this piece is certainly no exception. Not only does the porn in this leave me awed and breathless every time, but the craftiness wrought through physical exchange also leaves me wanting to applaud. If you haven't already read it: do so, now.

Rabbit Hole AU by nancybrown
Pairings: Jack/Ianto/Lisa
Rating: R
Summary: The Doctor gives Jack ten minutes to say goodbye to Tosh, Owen, Ianto and Steven, and in a way, Alice. Along the way, another former Companion gets involved, and "Goodbye" becomes much more complicated.
Kinks: multiple partners, threesome, polyamory

Nancybrown has built a rich universe with her Rabbit Hole AU, and aside from the "everyone lives" (well, nearly) element to it, the poly relationship is something I absolutely adore. Nancy sets forward a convincing case for Jack to do better in a triad, and then shares with us years of conjecture on that. Even with their personalities shaped by different pasts, Nancy's characterisation is complexly written and spot-on, to the point that I feel an abiding affection for even the OCs that have spun out of this universe.

Our Man From The Council by ceefax-the-sane
Pairings: Jack/Ianto/Idris
Rating: NC-17
Summary: PWP. Jack/Ianto/Idris threesome. And if you're wondering who the hell Idris is, he's the mayor's secretary from the Doctor Who episode Boom Town, who also made an appearance in the Torchwood novel The Twilight Streets. In short, a Welsh sandwich, with Boeshaneian filling.
Kinks: multiple partners, threesome

There are several stories by Ceefax linked below, you should take the time to read them all. This is one of my favourite porn stories in the whole fandom; I adore the way Ceefax writes Jack's sexuality, and how he handles sexual situations. It's both refreshing and spot-on. Of course, the depth of her characterisation of Ianto and the original/minor characters she hooks them up with help massively as well. Ceefax's work is hot and satisfying, no more so than when she's writing 'unconventional' relationships and encounters.

We held gold dust in our hands by amand_r
Pairings: Jack/Lisa/Ianto/Gwen/Rhys
Rating: NC-17
Summary: AU from pre S1 and threads through both seasons, part of CoE and into THE FUTURE. Enjoy the ride.
Kinks: multiple partners, threesome, polyamory, watersports, lactation

What's a poly rec post without a rec for Gold Dust? Amand_r's epic goes there, to every place you want it to - when I think of the poly-est sections of it I'm reminded of a giant Torchwood puppy pile of poly glee. The relationships in Amand_r's universe are not without problems, which is one of the things that enriches it most. This isn't just a fantasy "what if they'd all got a happy ending" universe (even though for the most part, they do all get a happy ending). It's a story where everyone is given a chance, and the fact that they struggle through their journey only makes their ultimate convergence that much more satisfying. Set aside a week to read this, and all the intersecting stories.

There are Millions of Suns Left by basingstoke
Pairings: Jack/Ianto/Tosh
Rating: NC-17
Summary: AU post-season 1
Kinks: multiple partners, threesome

This was one of the first stories I read when I got into the Torchwood fandom, and I still reflect on it fondly - in fact, it's one I regale people about when talking about how awesomely the fans get the Everyone-in-Torchwood-shags-eachother vibe of the show. Bas, without any fuss or drama, gives us a Toshiko who is as awesome as she deserves, and gives a sexuality to both Tosh and Ianto that treats them to the kind of flexibility that the show only hints at the potential of; it flows into their personalities seamlessly. Ditto for her treatment of Jack. The threesome payoff of this story is perfect, and so refreshing to read if you're a lover of poly plots where a character's internal conflict about monogamy does not by default come into play. Also, Toshiko is awesome, of course you want to see her get lots of loving.

And more!

Again, I apologise in advance for not having read all of these - the details provided have been taken from headers, so I'm assuming they fit the bill! I've *asterisked the ones I am especially fond of.

Porn Battle IV by various authors
Pairings: Many
Rating: Explicit
Summary: The theme for this porn battle was Threesomes. The comment are fruitful.
Kinks: multiple partners, threesomes

A Maddening Addiction by hegemony
Pairings: Jack/Ianto/Tosh
Rating: NC-17
Summary: ?
Kinks: multiple partners, threesome

* A Matter of Time (Interlude) by demotu
Pairings: Jack/Ianto/Jack
Rating: NC-17
Summary: An interlude for the larger work, A Matter of Time.
Kinks: multiple partners, threesome, self/self

A Word Can Do This by Voleuse
Pairings: Jack/Ianto/Tosh
Rating: ?
Summary: ?
Kinks: multiple partners, threesome

Act As You Have Faith series by black_eyedgirl
Pairings: Jack/Ianto/Owen
Rating: PG-13
Summary: N/A
Kinks: multiple partners, threesome

Afterlife by irradiatedsoup (art/macro)
Pairings: Ianto/Tosh/Owen
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Proposed S4 of Torchwood
Kinks: multiple partners, threesome

The Aliens Are Always to Blame by toestastegood
Pairings: Tosh/Owen/Gwen
Rating: PG
Summary: Owen opens a bottle that should've stayed closed, and the Hub pays the price.
Kinks: multiple partners, threesome, aliens made them do it

Annual Appraisals by ximeria
Pairings: Jack/Ianto/10th Doctor
Rating: ?
Summary: ?
Kinks: multiple partners, threesome

Anonymous Bonding by kahtyasofia
Pairings: Jack/OMCs, Ianto/OMCs, Jack/Ianto
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Ianto gets Jack to facilitate ANOTHER one of his fantasies but they both make some startling discoveries.
Kinks: multiple partners, orgy, sex club, anonymity

* The Assist by 51stcenturyfox
Pairings: Gwen/Rhys/Ianto
Rating: R
Summary: Three adorable Welsh people have sex.
Kinks: multiple partners, threesome

Autoerotica by madder_rose
Pairings: Jack/Ianto/Jack
Rating: NC-17
Summary: “You know you’ve always wanted to know what it would be like. A shapeshifter just isn’t the same.”
Kinks: multiple partners, threesome, self/self

Big Bend to Boner by spiderine
Pairings: Jack/OFC/OFC
Rating: PG
Summary: ?
Kinks: multiple partners, threesome

Body Language by lyra_wing
Pairings: Jack/Ianto/John
Rating: NC-17
Summary: PWP, totally. Nope, no plot. But this has been in my head since the S2 premiere, so.
Kinks: multiple partners, threesome

Boiling Point by phaetonschariot
Pairings: Jack/Ianto/John
Rating: NC-17
Summary: For rounds_of_kink. Trapped in a cabin while a snowstorm rages, however will they keep warm?
Kinks: multiple partners, threesome

* The Brides of the Sheikh by ceefax-the-sane
Pairings: Ianto/Toshiko, Ianto/Jack, (Jack/Rose)
Rating: teen
Summary: Jack's the ruler of a little desert penisula known as Bho-Shiyn, where Ianto arrives looking for a clue to his past.
Kinks: multiple partners, harem

By Invitation Only by zvi
Pairings: Jack/Ianto/Tosh
Rating: ?
Summary: ?
Kinks: multiple partners, threesome

Caught by gingerlr
Pairings: Jack/Ianto/Tosh
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Tosh goes to the Hub on her day off. Loud noises coming from Jack's office. Is there an intruder in the Hub? *snort* Yea. Right. Intruder. In Jack's office.
Kinks: multiple partners, threesome

Changes by Clarrisani
Pairings: Jack/Ianto/Owen/Tosh/Gwen, referenced Jack/Ianto, Tosh/Owen
Rating: Adult
Summary: A night of beer and pizza turns into something more
Kinks: multiple partners, orgy

Chocolate Mousse Sandwich by tanarian
Pairings: Jack/Ianto/10th Doctor
Rating: Adult
Summary: ?
Kinks: multiple partners, threesome, drugs, aliens made them do it

The Consequence of Being Bad by newra_skylarke
Pairings: Jack/Ianto/10th Doctor
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Jack makes a mental note to be bad more often.
Kinks: multiple partners, threesome

Corridors by qthelights
Pairings: Jack/Ianto/Tosh
Rating: NC-17
Summary: ?
Kinks: multiple partners, threesome

Detente by entangled_now
Pairings: Jack/Ianto/Owen
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Alien friendship ceremony? Or excuse to make humans have sex?
Kinks: multiple partners, threesome, aliens made them do it

Donna Goes to Cardiff by MyMidnight
Pairings: Jack/Ianto; Gwen/Donna; Jack/Ianto/Donna.
Rating: Adult
Summary: Donna finds herself in Cardiff. Jack also finds her in Cardiff. A lot of sexy-sexy happens A LOT . Takes place after Journey's End.
Kinks: multiple partners, threesome

Don't Drink The Water by lilithbint
Pairings: Jack/Owen/Ianto/John/Andy
Rating: Adult
Summary: John’s causing trouble but he isn’t and everyone gets wet and friendly, very friendly.
Kinks: multiple partners, orgy, gang bang, rimming,

Dupligoo by 805belladonna
Pairings: Jack/Ianto/Ianto
Rating: Adult
Summary: After an accident with an alien artifact from the archives, can Jack really handle 2 Iantos in his bed?
Kinks: multiple partners, threesome, self/self

Enclosed by such_heights
Pairings: Jack/Ianto/Gwen
Rating: Adult
Summary: For a long moment, everything is still, Jack and Gwen's hands entwined over Ianto's rapidly-beating heart, and Ianto doesn't know what happens now.
Kinks: multiple partners, threesome

The End is Where We Start From by immy54
Pairings: Jack/Ianto/John
Rating: Teen
Summary: After the deaths of Owen and Toshiko, Torchwood are struggling to cope, Jack specifically. One day he snaps and flees with the Doctor, leaving Ianto and Gwen to cope and to lead Torchwood into the future without their Captain.
Kinks: multiple partners, threesome

Examination by gilascave
Pairings: Jack/Ianto/Owen
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Kink-bingo square: medical play
Kinks: multiple partners, threesome, medical, voyeurism

Fair Exchange by RubyNye
Pairings: Jack/Ianto/John
Rating: ?
Summary: ?
Kinks: multiple partners, threesome

Faithful by loveslashangst
Pairings: Jack/John/Ianto
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Torchwood OT3 ZOMG! Jack/John/Ianto. The Rift is active, the Weevils are acting weird, and Captain John Hart is back in town. Let the crack-tastic smut ensue. I think there's a happily ever after in here somewhere, but until then, enjoy the insanity.
Kinks: multiple partners, threesome

Fallen Hard by Fairy Child
Pairings: Jack/Ianto/10th Doctor
Rating: R
Summary: What do you do when the two men you love fall in love with each other?
Kinks: multiple partners, threesome

Falling by xtricks
Pairings: Jack/OMCs, Jack/Ianto
Rating: Adult
Summary: N/A
Kinks: multiple partners, gang bang, anonymity

Fantasy by KynMoonlight
Pairings: Jack/Ianto/10th Doctor
Rating: NC-17
Summary: When Jack and Ianto run into the Doctor in London, Jack offers to fulfill their fantasies if they’ll fulfill one of his.
Kinks: multiple partners, threesome

* Five Times Owen Harper Said "Let's All Have Sex" by ninjasnano
Pairings: Owen/Gwen/Tosh/Ianto
Rating: NC-17
Summary: It's become something of a running joke.
Kinks: multiple partners, orgy

For You, Anything by aeneus
Pairings: Ianto/OMCs, Ianto/Jack
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Jack's being a p.i.m.p. Ianto loves it.
Kinks: multiple partners, gang bang, voyeurism, anonymity, unsafe sex

Forgotten something? by shadowbyrd
Pairings: Jack/Tosh/Ianto
Rating: R
Summary: Last night was brilliant. If only they can remember what happened...
Kinks: multiple partners, threesome

Four Ways by lower_case_me
Pairings: Tosh/Ianto/Gwen/Owen, not necessarily in that order.
Rating: NC-17
Summary: One slip and whoops, there's alien sex pheromone all over the floor.
Kinks: multiple partners, aliens made them do it, orgy

Four Ways Jack and Gwen Fell In Love, And One Way They Didn't by such_heights
Pairings: Jack/Gwen/Ianto
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Four AUs off different bits of Torchwood, and one coda to 'Something Borrowed'.
Kinks: multiple partners, threesome

Four Ways the Torchwood Team Celebrated New Years by soo
Pairings: Jack/Ianto/Gwen
Rating/Warnings: ?
Summary: ?
Kinks: multiple partners, threesome

Four ways things unexpectedly didn’t lead to an orgy (and one way they unexpectedly did) by black_eyedgirl
Pairings: Jack/Ianto/Gwen/Owen/Tosh
Rating: R
Summary: Again: take the title literally. Four fannish cliches that should lead to an orgy, and the way it eventually happened without any help.
Kinks: multiple partners, orgy

Gemini by holdingoff
Pairings: Jack/Ianto/Ianto
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Sometimes two Iantos are better than one.
Kinks: multiple partners, threesome, self/self

Happiness is a Sly Smirk by wildestranger
Pairings: Jack/Ianto/10th Doctor
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Would you like to see ancient Greece, Ianto? Witness the laws of hospitality firsthand?
Kinks: multiple partners, threesome

Happy Birthday by ru-salki99
Pairings: Jack/Ianto/Owen
Rating: NC-17
Summary: PWP. It's Ianto's birthday and Owen joins in the celebrations.
Kinks: multiple partners, threesome

* Hippocratic by neifile7
Pairings: Jack/Ianto/Owen
Rating: NC-17
Summary: It's entirely possible that Jack can make a dead man come.
Kinks: multiple partners, threesome

Hivemind and Conduit by hegemony
Pairings: Jack/Ianto/Tosh
Rating: NC-17
Summary: ?
Kinks: multiple partners, threesome

The Holiday Spirit by ??
Pairings: Jack/Ianto/Gwen
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Nothings says Christmas like a trip through the Rift.
Kinks: multiple partners, threesome

How Toshiko Got Her Groove Back by waqaychay
Pairings: Jack/Ianto/Tosh
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Tosh discovers that Owen Harper isn't the only man in the world.
Kinks: multiple partners, threesome

I Imagine You Now in That Other City by rm & kalichan
Pairings: Jack/Ianto/OFC
Rating: NC-17
Summary: For Ianto and Jack, two's company and three is an education.
Kinks: multiple partners, threesome, voyeurism

In The Altogether by nightanddaze
Pairings: Jack/Ianto/Owen/Tosh/Gwen
Rating: R
Summary: After a run-in with some aliens, Team Torchwood hits the showers and reaps the benefits
Kinks: multiple partners, orgy, aliens made them do it

In Your Dreams... by hab318princess
Pairings: Jack/Ianto/John
Rating: NC-17
Summary: John gets his orgy...
Kinks: multiple partners, threesome

Inescapable by nyghtpet
Pairings: Jack/Ianto/John
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Jack and John seduce a reluctant and/or jealous Ianto. (He's jealous of Jack and John's relationship)
Kinks: multiple partners, threesome

Inevitable by solvent90
Pairings: Jack/Ianto/Gwen/Tosh/Owen
Rating: R
Summary: N/A
Kinks: multiple partners, orgy

Intermezzo by angstslashhope
Pairings: Jack/Ianto/Gwen, Jack/Ianto
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Ianto catches Jack in a fantasy.
Kinks: multiple partners, threesome, double penetration

Interspecies Sex by by schyzzrelease
Pairings: Jack/Ianto/OC
Rating: R
Summary: Jack introduces Ianto to the joy of threesome
Kinks: multiple partners, threesome

It'll End In Tears by invisible_lift
Pairings: Jack/Ianto/Andy
Rating: NC-17
Summary: An idea that wouldn't die, encouraged into bearing fruit by [info]szm's anti-ship war. Special thanks to [info]silverrose for being a fabulous instigator.
Kinks: multiple partners, threesome

John Joins In by amuly
Pairings: Jack/John/Ianto
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Ianto wants a threesome with John, Jack agrees. Post Series 2, PWP.
Kinks: multiple partners, threesome, rimming, double penetration, rough sex

Just Another Day At The Office by crowson75
Pairings: Jack/Ianto/Tosh
Rating: Adult
Summary: PWP really. No redeeming features whatsoever and it's a bit silly.
Kinks: multiple partners, threesome

Just More by arami
Pairings: Jack/Ianto/Doctor
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Ianto is angry, Jack consults a Doctor to help him
Kinks: multiple partners, threesome

* keYstr/oke (Follow Me) by amand_r
Pairings: Jack/Ianto/Gwen
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Gwen and Ianto had a very satisfying sex life. Via text messages.
Kinks: multiple partners, threesome, written word, cybersex, text messages

Life As We Knew It by kendermouse
Pairings: Ianto/real!Jack/Jack
Rating: NC-17
Summary: In 1940 RAF American Volunteer Capt Jack Harkness' fell through a wall of light and found, not heaven, but a strange new world. Can he find a place with a rag tag team of spirited individuals trying to save the world, and find 'HOME' in the process?
Kinks: multiple partners, threesome, polyamory

Like This by aisalynn
Pairings: Jack/Ianto/Gwen
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Three breaths, three lives, three heartbeats.
Kinks: multiple partners, threesome

Lucky Number by angstslashhope
Pairings: Jack/Ianto/Gwen
Rating: NC-17
Summary: It’s not just like Christmas every day, it is Christmas every day.
Kinks: multiple partners, threesome, double penetration, object penetration, pegging, toys, somnophilia, voyeurism, exhibitionism

Magic Tea by britmandelo
Pairings: Jack/Ianto/10th Doctor
Rating: NC-17
Summary: The Doctor didn't realize that 21st century men would react quite like *that* to that tea he picked up on his last planet
Kinks: multiple partners, threesome, aliens made them do it, drugs

Making It Clear by skellerbvvt
Pairings: Jack/Ianto/Stopwatch
Rating: PG-13
Summary: The Beloved Stopwatch turns human.
Kinks: multiple partners, threesome

Me, Myself and I by jovialien
Pairings: Jack/Jack/Jack
Rating: NC-17
Summary: The rift is playing up again and only Jack's can stop it...
Kinks: multiple partners, threesome, self/self

Meant For Breaking by becky_writing
Pairings: Jack/acrobat twins
Rating: NC-17
Summary: There's no plot. There's just porn with Jack, a set of acrobat twins, and double penetration.
Kinks: multiple partners, threesome, incest, double penetration

Mourning After by asa_meda
Pairings: Jack/Ianto/10th Doctor
Rating: Adult
Summary: In the aftermath they all need each other.
Kinks: multiple partners, threesome

New by rm
Pairings: Jack/Ianto/Andy
Rating: NC-17
Summary: very nearly PWP; Ianto has a thing for what's new
Kinks: multiple partners, threesome

Not In My Wildest Dreams by 805belladonna
Pairings: Jack/Ianto/10th Doctor
Rating: Adult
Summary: When the Doctor turns up drunk and lonely, how are Jack and Ianto going to cope?
Kinks: multiple partners, threesome

One Shiny Disk by ninberries
Pairings: Jack/Ianto/Owen
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Jack wants in on that thing that happened down in Sublevel 2.
Kinks: multiple partners, threesome

Orgy by badwolf36
Pairings: Jack/Ianto/John
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Nothing like freezing time for a bit to make good on some innuendo.
Kinks: multiple partners, threesome, toys

Other-Ianto by out_there
Pairings: Jack/Ianto/Ianto
Rating: Explicit
Summary:The other version of him comes through looking exactly like him: neatly tailored suit over scrawny shoulders, hair a little long at the back (overdue for a trim), hands in his pocket. He gives Ianto a quick nod and then says, "Bit odd seeing yourself."
Kinks: multiple partners, threesome, self/self

Pheremones by britmandelo
Pairings: Jack/Ianto/John
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Jack hasn't ever shown Ianto what those fifty-first century pheromones can really do. John thinks this should be remedied. (Ianto enjoys it. Thoroughly.)
Kinks: multiple partners, threesome, drugs, aliens made them do it, double penetration

Piercing by qualli
Pairings: Jack/Owen/Ianto
Rating: Adult
Summary: ?
Kinks: multiple partners, threesome, piercing, medical

Pretty, Bulletproof and Lonely by nyghtpet
Pairings: Jack/Ianto/John
Rating: NC-17
Summary: John won’t leave and Ianto doesn’t know what to do. What happens when two men both want Captain Jack Harkness? The answer should be simple.
Kinks: multiple partners, threesome

Price (Rewritten) by sam_storyteller
Pairings: Jack/Ianto/Gwen
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Surely, given that Ianto had made his own peace with Jack and Gwen's bizarre sexless love affair, they had known they were having it.
Kinks: multiple partners, threesome, somnophilia

The Quiet Room by sam_storyteller
Pairings: Gwen/Owen, Ianto/Tosh, Ianto/Jack, Ianto/Gwen/Jack
Rating: R
Summary: "Inside this room, no one talks," Ianto said, his voice carefully neutral. "It isn't allowed. What goes on here stays here and, outside of it, never happened. Other than that there are no rules, in a manner of speaking."
Kinks: multiple partners, threesome

Radiation Superhero by lilithbint
Pairings: Jack/Ianto/Owen
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Owen survived the nuclear reactor and is somehow alive again. Nobody knows how and they just want to enjoy his return. Everyone reacts differently and Ianto’s is the most unusual.
Kinks: multiple partners, threesome

* Random Shoes by marginaliana
Pairings: Ianto/Eugene/Martha
Rating: NC-17
Summary: He doesn't deserve to be forgotten. Jones and Jones (and Jones). AU.
Kinks: multiple partners, threesome

Recovery by asa-meda
Pairings: Jack/Ianto/10th Doctor
Rating: NC-17
Summary: I KNOW I've already written a post-Exit Wounds story but I needed to write another one.. and a Jack/Ianto/Ten one... and Ianto in need of much more comfort... and... and... it's different.... starts darker... and Jack's not so nice at first but it all ends good.
Kinks: multiple pairings, threesome

* Seven Practical Uses of Vibrators by demotu
Pairings: Jack/Ianto/OFC
Rating: Explicit
Summary: Jack prides himself on his creativity.
Kinks: multiple partners, threesome, toys

Sex in the Champagne Room by kahtyasofia
Pairings: Jack/Ianto/OFC
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Martina shows up one night a little bit drunk and a little bit horny.
Kinks: multiple partners, threesome

Share and Share Alike by sistercarrion
Pairings: Jack/Ianto/John
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Prompt: "Look at your Eye-Candy, Jack."
Kinks: multiple partners, threesome, double penetration

Sharing is Caring by lucy_locket
Pairings: Rhys/Gwen/OFC
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Rhys and Gwen take a woman home with them for good, wholesome, sexy fun.
Kinks: multiple partners, threesome

Shooting the Messenger by salmon_pink
Pairings: Owen/Ianto/Jack
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Jack gives the orders, Ianto obeys, and Owen thinks that maybe everyone has lost their minds, himself included.
Kinks: threesome, multiple partners, voyeurism

* Signals: Turn, Hazard, from Space and Otherwise by amand_r
Pairings: Jack/Ianto/Tosh
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Jack finds that he wishes they were suddenly elsewhere, that he hadn't crashed the car, that he could predict them better, that he had understood just what Ianto had meant when he'd said take her out, or that at least they could all have name tags, so his could say, 'Hello! My name is CONFUSED/HORNY/SENTIMENTAL/IMMORTAL/LOVEMENOW'. Though maybe it would just read, 'Jack. Just Jack'.
Kinks: multiple partners, threesome

The Stars Are Projectors by nightanddaze
Pairings: Jack/Ianto/Gwen
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Resolution after Flat Holm; where do circles begin?
Kinks: multiple partners, threesome

* Stranded by ceefax-the-sane
Pairings: Jack/Ianto/OMTA (Original Male Tentacled Alien)
Rating: NC-17
Summary: It's Ianto's first time. For a threesome with Jack and an alien, that is.
Kinks: multiple partners, threesome, alien sex, tentacles

Suck by blackfic
Pairings: Jack/Ianto/John
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Whoever said three's a crowd was wrong.
Kinks: multiple partners, threesome, facials

Taming of Captain John Hart by skellerbvvt
Pairings: Jack/Ianto/John
Rating: NC-17
Summary: John gets accepted into Torchwood with a few conditions, which he doesn't approve of, but he is willing to do what needs to be done to get what he wants.
Kinks: multiple partners, threesome, bdsm

Tea With Jack by tierfallen
Pairings: Jack/Ianto/10th Doctor
Rating: Teen
Summary: Ianto is temporarily baffled by Torchwood's visitor. Bafflement, of course, is only the beginning.
Kinks: multiple partners, threesome

Team Meeting by tears_of_nienna
Pairings: Ianto/Jack/Owen/Gwen/Tosh
Rating: ?
Summary: ?
Kinks: multiple partners, orgy

Territorial Bastards by odetojoi
Pairings: Owen/Ianto/Jack
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Owen left Jack a present. This is Jack's response.
Kinks: multiple partners, threesome, bondage

That Damned Sweater by waqaychay
Pairings: Jack/Ianto/Tosh
Rating: NC-17
Summary: In which Tosh is sexy and very little work gets done.
Kinks: multiple partners, threesome

* Three Times by edibleflowers
Pairings: Jack/Ianto/Tosh
Rating: NC-17
Summary: A relationship is hard enough when only two people are involved.
Kinks: multiple partners, threesome

* Threesome for our Intrepid Heroes! by amand_r
Pairings: Jack/Tosh/Ianto
Rating: NC-17
Summary: The story of how Tosh ended up having sex with both Jack and Ianto should be complicated, with a long lead in.
Kinks: multiple partners, threesome

Tosh's Turn by alba17
Pairings: Jack/Ianto/Tosh
Rating: NC-17
Summary: PWP follow up to Breakfast Club, in which the team paired off except for Tosh. So now it's... Tosh's Turn.
Kinks: multiple partners, threesome

Treasures and Flesh Never Few by micehell
Pairings: Jack/Ianto/John
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Jack had warned any number of people over the years that he wasn't always a nice person. In all that time, though, and with all those people, Jack had never really come across anyone he'd warned after he'd already been not very nice to them.
Kinks: multiple partners, threesome, dubious consent

Two Captain Sandwich by selana1505
Pairings: Jack/Ianto/John
Rating: NC-17
Summary: just a bit of smut, inspired by a prompt "Two Captain sandwich with a Ianto filling - toasted"
Kinks: multiple partners, threesome

Unexpected by kahtyasofia
Pairings: Jack/Ianto/OFC
Rating: NC-17
Summary: See SERIES: What Is Better Than Wisdom?
Kinks: multiple partners, threesome, double penetration, breath play

Urban Retreat by _tallian_
Pairings: Jack/Ianto/Tosh
Rating: NC-17
Summary: post-ep for 'Countrycide'
Kinks: multiple partners, threesome

Velvet Hand by settiai
Pairings: Jack/Gwen/Ianto
Rating: R
Summary: ?
Kinks: multiple partners, threesome

Virgins by dru_evilista
Pairings: Jack/Ianto/Owen
Rating: Adult
Summary: ?
Kinks: multiple partners, threesome, virginity

Warmth by 805belladonna
Pairings: Jack/Ianto/10th Doctor
Rating: Adult
Summary: ?
Kinks: multiple partners, threesome

Wash it All Away by lefaym
Pairings: Jack/Gwen/Ianto
Rating: R
Summary: Jack wants to wash away the demons for Gwen and Ianto.
Kinks: multiple partners, threesome

We Happy Few by angstslashhope
Pairings: Gwen/Ianto/Tosh/Owen/Owen
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Jack's a captive on the Valiant and the Master has initiated the extinction of humanity. Meanwhile, in Cardiff, the imminent threat has triggered a lockdown of the Hub, trapping the Torchwood Three team inside. For a year. (A "year-that-wasn't" story of exceeding silliness.)
Kinks: multiple partners, orgy, aliens made them do it, self/self

What Are You Doing New Year’s Eve? by druis
Pairings: Jack/Ianto/Tosh
Rating: NC-17
Summary: The sequel to my earlier story, “Blame It on the Mistletoe.” Ianto has a proposal for Tosh. Jack thinks it’s an excellent idea.
Kinks: multiple partners, threesome

Without a Line by gilascave
Pairings: Ianto/OMC/Jack, Ianto/Lisa, Ianto/Jack
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Ianto has finally gotten himself hired at Torchwood Three. Now he has to balance Lisa, Captain Harkness, and himself.
Kinks: multiple partners, threesome, anonymous sex, sex club

Wonderful Life by xtricks
Pairings: Jack/Ianto/Gwen
Rating: Explicit
Summary: No one, anywhere, was dead of alien technology tonight.
Kinks: multiple partners, threesome

Words that Start With 'W' by nanfreak
Pairings: Ianto/OMCs
Rating: R
Summary: Ianto knew that it was dangerous and stupid, but he loved the feeling of semen trickling down his leg as he walked home.
Kinks: multiple partners, anonymity, sex club, rough sex, unsafe sex

by robling_t
Pairings: Jack/Martha/Ten, Owen/Tosh/Andy, Jack/Ianto, Owen/Hart, Tosh/OMC, Owen/Gwen, Ianto/Tosh, Owen/Andy/Ianto, Andy/Martha
Rating: teen
Summary: ongoing AU serial: um, there's a Big Long Plot, but for your purposes let's leave it at that by this point there are two stable MMF threesomes and I believe everyone in this story has managed to shag everyone else in some combination or other (there's even a throwaway reference somewhere to past Andy/Rhys...). The side-fic "A Midsummer Night's Sex-Pollen Comedy
" might be of particular... interest...
Kinks: multiple partners, threesome, polyamory, aliens made them do it

1941: The Year That Never Was! by cupidsbow (vid)
Pairings: Jack/Tosh/Real!Jack
Rating: PG-13
Summary: What if Jack had never met the Doctor?
Kinks: multiple partners, threesome

Got more?

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by [author name]
Kinks: multiple partners

Don't forget to list any additional kinks that appear in the story (there's a general list of kink terms here, if that's helpful); it'll help when bookmarking the stories on Delicious!

multiple partners

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