Title: Dark is the Knight
Rating: PG
Ianto does not look up as he sews Master Jack's newest wound.
~260 words
Ianto does not look up as he sews Master Jack's newest wound. He can feel Master Jack's eyes on him, and it's a slow burn. The kind that you don't notice until your skin blisters up.
"Did Robin go home already?" Master Jack asks.
"She did," Ianto answers. "I called a car for her, but she insisted on having Master Rhys come to pick her up." He pulls the thread slowly through the skin of Master Jack's right forearm...
"Now, Ianto, that wasn't very nice," Master Jack says. "I know you can do it more swiftly than that."
"I think your wounds are getting worse, Sir," Ianto says. "Or perhaps they are just becoming more painful because you're aging, Sir." He pulls the thread. Deliberately.
"OW!" Master Jack snorts in pain, but he does not move his arm.
"It is good that you have a protégé, Sir," Ianto says. He cuts the thread and cleans the area again with antibiotics. "Mistress Gwen is an excellent student."
"I should have thought that you would be my protégé," Batman says. Batman, because the voice drops an entire octave and Ianto knows the difference.
"Catamite, Sir." Ianto says. "The proper word is catamite."
Batman doesn't immediately answer. And when he answers, the mask has slipped back on.
"You never told me you were underage, Ianto," Master Jack says. "Do I have some sort of an ignorance defense for the corruption of a minor?"
Ianto touches his fingers to the top of Master Jack's left hand, still gloved. "I'm sure you will think of something, Sir."