Ianto as a champion diver...swimming pool love!!! XD

Aug 15, 2010 21:11

Ok I blame this idea on the 10m platform final at the 30th LEN European Championship in Budapest!!!! (So many hot men....) Anyhow now I  have this image in my mind of Ianto as an platform diver...Ianto+that little costume+wetness OMG It's heaven! Naturally Jack appreciates the view so my idea is:

Ianto is a 23 years old diver who has already won several medals and is now preparing for the Olympics. Jack is ex athlete (he is now 35 and he was a swimmer, but had to stop after an accident) now turned instructor and waiting for one of his class to start he notices Ianto during his training and is love at first sight!

Bonus if during training Ianto gets hurt (slam his head on the platform during a somersault or something like that) and Jack dives into the pool to get him out of the water!!!

Owen should be Ianto's doctor and his good friend, Tosh is Owen's gf and Ianto's best friend.
Gwen and Rhys are the owners of the training center/pool and kudos if there are Martha, the Doctor, Rhiannon and her family.

It would be great if Ianto's coach was his dad. The man would push Ianto to his limits and have him work beyond exhaustion to make him a champion and later in the story Jack could confront Ianto's dad about how he's pushing Ianto too much! Maybe Ianto's accident mentioned earlier could be caused by him collapsing from exhaustion!!! XD

So what do you think? Anyone interested in doing this story???

show: torchwood, thundernight_86

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