Three days to go!

Aug 26, 2011 22:47

Hope you're all getting on okay. Just a reminder that there are three days to go until your rough drafts are due for submission. They'll need to be submitted by midnight, GMT, on Monday 29th August.

You can submit your drafts any time between now and then.

Your draft doesn't have to be beta-ed, we aren't reading it, just checking to make sure you have 1) a minimum of 10k words, and 2) have a beginning, middle, and end in sight. You'll receive an email saying we've received your rough draft. We'll then send you a second email as soon as we've paired you with your artist.

Here's how to send your drafts to us.

#1 - SAVE your story as a .doc or .docx file. If this is not possible for you, email us and we'll talk. Please name it First Draft [TITLE] by [AUTHOR]. Use the author name you want your story to go under, as it may turn up in your art!

#2 - Attach it to an email and send it to

#3 - Use the Subject line "[your LJ name] - First Draft Submission"

In your document and email, please use the following header:

Series' Included:
Crossover (if applicable):
Current Word Count:
Complete: (yes or no, if no how much is left)

And to answer some FAQs about those:

Title: [This may well end up on your art, so please choose wisely!]
Author: [To help us sort out who's submitted and who hasn't. If you go by an author name different from your LJ name or have changed your LJ name since you signed up, please list them all so we can find you in our spreadsheet and check you off.]
Characters/Pairings/Warnings: [We need to know to make as close a match as possible with your artist.]
Rating: [choose from G, PG, PG-13, M, R, NC-17]
Current Word Count: [This should be close/exactly/over 10k WITHOUT any notes.]
Beta(s): [You're going to need one! Please see the previous post if you need help finding a beta.]
Summary: [Provide as much detail as you think you need to give us a good idea of what's going on in your story so that we can match you with the right artist. Just don't be too wordy as once we've paired you up you can send the artist your draft to read.]
Notes: [Save your thank yous for the final draft. This is for things like crossover fandoms, spoilers in other fandoms, where the quotation in your title came from, that kind of thing. You'll have ample chance to thank betas and cheerleaders when you it's time to post your fic.]
Complete: [To let us know how much more story needs to be told/filled in.]

If you're still looking for a beta, see this post here.

Can't wait to see all your lovely emails start trickling in!

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