Fics: All Will Be Right and The Last Person

Nov 26, 2008 15:29

Hi! Am new here! And I come bearing fics!

Title: All Will Be Right
Type: One-shot (droubble)
Words: 200
Character(s): Toshiko, team Torchwood 3
Warnings: Character death. Huge spoiler for Series 2 episode 13. Don't like, don't read.
Rating: Gen
Disclaimer: BBC and Russell T Davies own Torchwood. I don't.
Summary: Toshiko knows. And she is rarely wrong.
Beta: -
A/N: I think I'm biased towards Toshiko simply because I'm also Asian. There was just so much emotion in this scene even when she wasn't talking, and I hope my fic has done it — and her — justice.

( All Will Be Right )

Title: The Last Person
Type: One-shot
Words: 100 (drabble)
Pairing: Jack/Ianto, tiny mention of Lisa
Warnings: Slashy hints and mentions of canon m/m lip-contact. Don't like, don't read. Spoilers for Series 1, episodes 4 and 6.
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: BBC and Russell T Davies own Torchwood. Still not mine.
Summary: Ianto could not remember.
Beta: -
A/N: This was my first ever Torchwood fanfic, and the scene I wrote about absolutely grabbed my fangirl heart with its silent intensity.

( The Last Person )

char: jack, sort: slash, char: toshiko, sort: gen

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