I'm a Jack/Ianto fangirl at heart, right from the start, even before I started watching Torchwood. For some reason, my mind never stopped picking up bits of slash even if it might not have been implied. Although, this little scene seemed pretty implied to me.
Title: The Last Person
Type: One-shot
Words: 100
Pairing: Jack/Ianto, tiny mention of Lisa
Warnings: Slashy hints and mentions of canon m/m lip-contact. Don't like, don't read. Spoilers for Series 1, episodes 4 and 6.
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: BBC and Russell T Davies own Torchwood. Sadly, no matter how many tantrums I throw, it will never be mine.
Summary: Ianto could not remember.
Beta: -
The Last Person
Who was the last person you snogged?
"It was Lisa."
Wind. Awkward silence. Jack broke his own stare.
Lisa was the right and incorrect answer. Ianto was certain Jack had done something, when he was revived and lying in his captain's arms. What exactly, no one knew. Not even him. Lisa was all they knew.
When Jack stared at him again, it was Ianto who looked away.
That night, after escaping Death by Cannibalism with a plethora of bruises, cuts and frazzled nerves, Ianto pretended that forgiveness and comfort were all he wanted to feel when Jack held him close.
Completed 7 August 2008, 11:15 a.m.
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