Mar 13, 2008 18:26
I think I'm going to ramble. I apologize if you get lost somewhere along the way. Don't feel obligated to read this.
I haven't done my taxes yet. I really need to. I have no idea as to how much I should even be getting back. My mom will get the extra $300 because she claimed me as a dependant. Any extra money that I can get my hands on will very, very helpful. Especially since Steve and I are looking to buy a house.
Apparently, I still owe $1,750.00 for my schooling. This was the original amount for the loan that I got. Towards the end of my school year, my school was bought by another schooling company and they didn't use the same lending company, so everything was supposed to be transferred to the new lenders. After this happened, I was told that I only owed $1400.00. After I graduated, the last of my MEAP money came through and I recieved a letter from the new lending company that I had a $0 balance. I called the school about this and they told me the same thing, and that I had a $100 credit because of the extra MEAP money and that they were sending me a check for that amount. So I thought everything was great and that I didn't owe any money at all, to anyone. I recieved a letter from Nelnet, the original lenders, saying that my first payment is due in June. I called them and worked everything out with them. Nothing was transferred to the new lending company, and I still owe this $1,750. This makes things just a little more difficult.
My dad still wants me to help him pay for my car or take the payments all together. He also suggested that I look into prices for Michigan insurance. At the moment, my insurance is $126 a month, and my car payment is $167.50. My dad, for the time being, is taking care of both of these. I try to pay him what I can to help out. The payments are in my name and my dad is cosigning for it, so right now, he's helping my credit a lot and helping me a lot.
Steve and I are looking for a house. Right now, the house that we've looked at and liking is in Rockford. It's a foreclosure. It needs a lot of work. It's mostly cosmetic from what we saw. Steve's dad came with us to look at it, and I don't think he found too many things that absolutely have to be done. I was kind of thinking about what the place could look like if we're able to do everything that we want to do, and it could look really nice. Steve tried working full time third this week so that we can afford to buy a house. I don't think that's going so well.
I'm still trying to find a salon job. Hopefully full time. I applied at Panopoulos Salons on Lake Michigan Dr. I called them today, and the manager told me that she isn't hiring, but she's got a meeting this next week with other managers from other Panopoulos Salons around the area and if any of them need a person for a specific position, they exchange applications and then make decisions about jobs from there. I stopped at Eutopia on West River and gave them my resume. They don't have applications apparently, and the two women who own the shop were not there today. The woman who handles the hiring is in there on Wednesdays and Thursdays, and today, she called in sick. That's just my luck. So next Thursday, I've got to call both of those salons to see how things are going. I just really want a job right now. Steve and I both need me to have a full time job.
Hopefully Blythefield will start picking up again soon and I'll start working again. I'm hoping to have three jobs for a while. I know I'm going to be exhausted and probably bitchy for a while, but I really need the money. If I want to be able to go to Mexico in January for Steve's mom's birthday, I'll need about $1200. We're also going to Mertyle Beach in May, so I need money for that to help with gas and for spending money. And I can't forget about the house and all the payments, my school loan, the improvements that Steve and I want to make to a house, all the bills and expenses that come with buying/owning a house, my car and it's insurance, food that we'll need to eat to survive, and I'm sure I'm missing something.
A few months ago, at the mall, I put my information in for an entry to win a Whirpool washer and dryer. Yesterday at work, they called me wanting to know some more information; whether or not we had a water softener and some other stuff that I had no idea about. I let them talk to my mom. Since we don't own the land that we live on, we only rent it, they won't come out to test the water for whatever reason they would need to test the water. Because of that, I am no longer eligible to win this free washer and dryer. That really sucks.
I've been having issues with my bank account lately. For some reason I continue having more money in my register than the bank says I have. I've gone back through everything as far back as I can. The first time I looked at my account online, I was able to go back all the way to the start of the account, which was July of 2006. I looked at all of the transactions, I stopped at the Plainfield branch of my bank and had them print off as far back as they could, back to November of 2006. Anything that wasn't in my register, I put in there. As far as I know, I have everything in my register that the bank has on file. I even had one of the ladies at the Alpine branch look through it with me and we checked to make sure that everything was in there. We worked through it for probably about an hour and a half. She didn't find anything new that I didn't already have written in the register. And with all of that, I'm still about $97 over what the bank says. We were able to go back as far as September of 2006. So that means that I only have two months of statements to go through. Now I just have to try to find these two statements. I just don't understand how this happened. For the whold thing that Jodi was able to go through, I was only $1 off with the calculations. How did I get $97 off within the first two months when every single time I spent money, I wrote down the information in my register almost immediately. What the hell happened? And because of this, I ended up with serveral transfers that the bank had to make, which comes with a $5 transfer fee, because I was under the impression that I had more money than I had.
My mom and I got a puppy. Danielle's family was giving away their Shih Tzu. Their other dog was having issues with him. The first family they tried to give him to just had a baby, and Gizmo likes to have a lot of attention. So that didn't work out too well. So we're trying it out. I think it's going so well right now because I'm home most of the day, and Mom and I have alternating night schedules. I work Monday, Wednesday and Friday nights, Mom has school Tuesday and Thursday nights. So someone is usually here with him. He does fine if he's here for a while by himself. We have a laundry area that we keep him in with a gate so he doesn't get into anything or upset our cats too much. We really love him though. He's just the cutest, most friendliest dog ever. I really love having a dog again. It makes me get up to take him out, it makes me take him out for walks and it's nice to walk around here. Especially in the morning, when there's hardly any traffic, if any at all, and it's peaceful outside and the weather is nice. It's really good that we have him. He seems to like it too. As soon as we get his papers that say he's a purebred, we're going to look into selling his sperm. lol. Well, selling his sex.
So I think that's about it. I've got to go take Gizmo out and then go to bed. Good night.