Title: Carnevale
fajrdrakoCharacters: Jack, Gwen, Ianto, Owen, Tosh, the Venetian court
Challenge: #18: alternate universes
Rating: G
Words: 100
Notes: No spoilers. Cross-posted to
my LJ and
The English Captain arrived in Venice with a devastating smile and an entourage of four. The cognoscenti guessed he was a wealthy explorer, or alchemist, or charlatan. He danced and flirted with everyone. His mask revealed nothing but dimples.
He travelled with two women, a doctor, and a young Welshman. They said the women were his lovers, or the handsome youth was. Artists wanted to paint him or bed him. Men gossiped; women stared. The Doge watched.
To those who would listen, he spoke of change and the need for preparation.
One day he disappeared, taking his secrets with him.
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