Title: Kiss and Kill
fajrdrakoFandom: Torchwood
Characters: Captain Jack Harkness/Captain John Hart
challenge: open,
challenge: fallingRating: G
Disclaimer: Not mine, no claims, all property of the BBC.
Notes: Spoiler reference to Torchwood episode 2x01, "Kiss, Kiss, Bang, Bang". Cross-posted to
my Dreamwidth account,
my lj,
tw100, to
guns_n_poodles, and to
my fanfiction journal.
Kiss and Kill
I loved Jack, and still I threw him off a tall building.
Thanks to Gray, I hurt wherever it was possible to hurt. I was mad with fear. Rage. Helplessness. All my fault - I should have left Gray to rot in prison.
Instead, here we were, Jack on top of his little Welsh world, and me... Helping Gray destroy it.
If Jack died, Earth would survive. That's what Jack wanted, wasn't it?
Sure, I thought that. But when Jack turned me down, all I felt was pain and fury.
He fell and died. I hit rock bottom.
See you in hell, Jack.