Getting through school
Author: Lilithangel
Characters: Jack/Ianto
Challenge: 100 drabble challenge, cheesy song fics.
A/N: cheesy song is
Centerfold by J. Geils Band, and I'm going to stop now I promise.
“Ianto, is there something you’d like to share with the class about what you did during University?” Jack said with his patented head tilt and half smirk.
“Why sir?” Ianto said in all innocence.
“I will be having words with Owen about his choice of reading material…” Jack held up a Playgirl magazine.
“Oh god…” Ianto closed his eyes as Jack let the magazine fall open to the centrefold. There he was in all his glory, with just a teeny tiny coffee pot for his dignity.
Jack was going to ask for a modelling shoot when Ianto fled the boardroom.