For those of you who went to Dakota with me, specifically those in the
band, I may be the bearer of bad news, if you haven't already heard it
or didn't read the post left by Laura in my previous post. Rachel Duffy
passed away last friday on the 7th. I knew her a little, which is to
say I spoke with her a few times and we had similar friends, but my
memories of her are very positive. She is argueably one of the nicest
people I ever had the pleasure or meeting. I never saw her without a
smile on her face or laughter on her lips. I'm sure it sounds awefully
cliche, but the world is a lesser place with her gone.
I'm not normally a publicly religious person, but if you all could say
a prayer for her and her friends and family, I'd appreciate it.
I've also included her
Obituary in case you would like to read it yourself.
Rest in Peace, Rachel.