Aug 06, 2005 03:26
So I've been living with my dad in Spring Lake and working at his
Deli/Ice Cream store for a month or so. Generally, there's nothing to
do for me besides work and sleep, since no one at work is close to my
age. Then, a friend of a friend needed a place to stay for a week. His
name is Jim, he's 25 and works out at Grand Haven CC as a golf pro,
which I've found out is a good way to peak the interest of the females,
at least on this side of the state. So we decided that since we both
have nothing to do and the Coast Guard Festival (which is a huge deal
out here)was starting up, why not go to the bar.
The first night out, we went to this place called Rosebud, one of two
halfway decent bars to go to. Jim knew the band, Dominica, that was
playing that night, so we started drinking and jammed with them for a
bit. I ended up drinking a few too many $2 Miller Lite's and became
belligerent. At some point, we went to this little diner down the road
called Rendezvous...not a strip club, a diner. I drunk dialed Wes out
of the blue and during my conversation, in a drunkenly loud voice, tell
Wes that everyone in the town is White Trash. If you've ever seen
Vanilla Sky and remember the bar scene, itll help you picture this
better. EVERYONE stops what they're doing and look at me in silence.
Jim asks for my phone. He tells Wes that I can't talk anymore, hangs
up, and looks at me and tells me that I can't talk anymore. I didn't
put up a fight at that point. I don't know how I didn't get my ass
kicked. The rest I don't remember.
Two nights later, we go back to Rosebud's. A little while later, my
dad, Jacque and dad's friend Jim C. show up and we hop around a little,
ending up in the other decent bar, Kirby's. They have a pretty good
band playing, and me and Jacque were dancing (seperate) and drinking
while Jim was off doing something. There was a girl who was bumping
into me a little bit too much for it to be coincidental. Jacque notices
and tells me that she has to go to the bathroom. She then goes up to
the girl and says, "Hey, can you dance with my friend here while I go
to the bathroom?" The girl agrees and turns around to face me. The girl
then asks me if Jacque is my sister. In my head, I said, "Yes, blah
blah blah..." What I really said was, "No, she's my stepmom." As soon
as the words left my lips, I knew I fucked up, and my jaw dropped in
disbelief. This girl takes all of two seconds to dance away from my
sorry ass behind about ten of her girlfriends. I sloched away,
incredibly disappointed in myself. It was a bad night.
Last night, however, was my redemption. I was actually really tired and
called Jim earlier to tell him I didn't want to go, but he called me
back later and told me to get down to Rosebud's, there's too many
"options" for me to stay at home like a pussy. So I get ready and go. I
get there and meet Jim and he says he has to go to the bathroom. So I
go to the bar and get whats on special (fucking PBR, unfortunately)sit
back and wait for Jim. This old lady looks at me and says, "Hey kid,
Lighten up." I'm kind of taken a back, because I didn't think I was
doing anything that was uptight. Jim comes back before I can say
anything to her. I take two steps toward him and this girl tells me to
come here. So I go over and she invites me to sit down with her
friends. The girl who yelled at me was fat, ugly and plastered. The
other two weren't that bad, but were semi-interesting to talk to. Jim
sits down with us and gets hit on by tons-of-fun. Eventually, everyone
leaves but me and this one girl. She tells me she has to go to the
bathroom and while I'm getting up to let her out, she asks if I'll be
there when she gets back. It was kind of an ego booster that she just
didnt want to run away, so that was nice. She comes back, we talk a bit
more, than a bunch of new friends come and sit with her and Jim rescues
me, telling her were gonna go listen to the band. The band was pretty
amazing, playing Classic and 80's rock. We randomly ran into these
three girls and start chatting it up.
It was completely random and I had abosultely no intentions of anything
coming from it, but Jim starts talking to them, doin goofy dances and
stuff, and it brought out the goofy side in me. The one decently hot
girl just is eating it up. I talk to her more, dance with her a bit and
then we decide to get another drink. After fighting to get to the bar
for about 10 minutes, she gets a corona and I get a bud light (thank
God, no more PBR). Not much of a Corona drinker, I fuck up mixing the
lime and spray a bunch of people with her beer. She thought it was
hilarious. We go back and dance some more, only this time the band
starts playing original stuff or something, and they sound like shit.
Were dancing, shes laughing at her friends, and a great time is being
had by all. But then we kinda snap back to how shitty the band is and
decide to stop dancing. Her dad, who's allegedly a Coast Guard Master
Chief or something, sent out some of his goons to look after her. They
try to run the scar tactics on me, saying she's someone's wife, blah
blah blah... I'm not buying it. So I convince her friends to let me
take her to Rendezvous and, her, Jim and I take off.
We have an
uneventful breakfast and Jim drops her and I back off at my car with
some 5-0's following him. I decide that since she lives in town and
it's a nice night out, I don't wanna risk driving. So we walk down the
main drag, which has a carnival on it. She sees a ferris wheel and
says, "Let's go make-out in there, it'd be really fun." As I'm about to
agree, I see 3 cops standing around a Sergeant's Suburban 50 feel from
the damn thing. Remembering how I probably smell like a frat house, I
decided I didn't want to end up in the drunk tank and said we should
find some place else. I'd like to add her that I really regret
saying/doing that, it would've been alot of fun. So were walking
towards her street, she sees a sprinkler and tries to push me in and I
turn her around so she's almost going in it. She sees a boat and wants
to get on it, but then we heard music and she chickened out. We find
her street and probably walked up and down it 3 times before she
figured out which house was hers. We get to the door and she tells me
that she's leaving tommorow after her dad's softball game, but since
she lives in Traverse City and I'll be nearby on my vacation, I should
call her. Now, up until this point, I had NO idea what this girl's name
was. I take out my phone, think about it for a second, and hand it to
her to put her number in. So Dana does that. I figured I'd get a good
night kiss out of the whole deal, since she wanted to make out in a
ferris wheel, but I must've pissed her off fearing for our drunken
asses in my decline, so all I got was a good night hug. I even had to
hold out my arms and say, "hug" to get it, to which she replied that I
make her laugh. I walk back to my car and drive home.
As much as Handy's gonna tell me that I Mayered it, I think last night
was much more satisfactory then the previous two nights, especially the
middle night where I shot myself in the foot. I was only looking to
have a good time with people other than just Jim, not cheat on Jenna.
It's been a fun week, and hopefully, with my friend Bryan coming up,
it'll get even better.