Sep 29, 2015 08:28
Red sunrises are usually pretty spectacular. We had one this morning but i couldn't really see the best of it, too many trees in the way. I don't face the right way from my apartment and waiting at the bus, the trees block it. By the time the bus got to the bridge where you'd get a clear view, the sun was up enough that the colour was gone. The weather forecasts are predicting a lot of rain, i guess the "red sky in the morning" adage is probably right though it's not really supposed to hit until tomorrow.
There was a consultant that worked out of our office for awhile and after I was moved to my current spot, she sat in front of me. We made friends and I've missed her now that she's gone and moved on to another job. I was thinking about her yesterday and tried to find her on Facebook with no luck. Who should I see as I was coming in to work today? :) Now I'm all smiles. Turns out I did have her email address, too, I thought I didn't. She's a lovely lady and I hope we can keep up a friendship. We're planning to catch up after work one day later in the month.
This winter I think I shall have to start de-cluttering my apartment. It's not that Graham is bringing over a whole lot of stuff but with two people living here, we will need a bit more elbow room. The only thing I tend to keep a bit of a handle on is clothing, clearing out old stuff I don't wear anymore and giving some stuff to my sister or putting the rest in a bag for a charity. I have a lot of stuff I just don't use anymore, things lke craft supplies for instance. I don't do any cross stitch anymore and there's no reason to keep all that stuff. If I ever wanted to start it up again, I'd probably want new anyway. Even if i save the bones of it, I can get rid of a lot of pattern books, old projects that I never finished or never framed etc. What about a dozen or so paintings that I never framed? They're probably not good enough to sell or give away. Painting is something I would like to take up again sometime but my paints are now pretty old and probably mostly all dried up. Maybe that would give me a good reason to try out acrylic paint instead of oils. It's much easier to clean up.
Windows 10 arrived on my laptop while i was in the UK. I haven't installed it yet. I should do that soon to see what kind of nuisance it's going to be. It hasn't notified me on my desktop yet, which is odd but they did say it would be rolled out a little at a time. It's odd though, because the laptop was only updated in August before I went away, and the Windows 10 notification thingy showed up then, and the update went ahead a few weeks later. I requested it on the desktop a few months ago. I wonder if using the laptop in the UK made the difference, that I just happened to catch up to the rollout there? I might do that this weekend if i have the chance. I also need to plug in G.'s laptop which he's left here and let Windows do it's update thing and maybe that will be ready to go as well, who knows?
If I update the laptop to W10 then I can see what I think of it on a computer that's not my main one and I can decide if I like it or get used to it before my desktop gives me the option. Most people that have upgraded seem happy enough with it, I'm just wondering how it will handle some of my older apps.