I get the Movieentertainment magazine with my subscription to The Movie Network (pay tv movies) in Canada. In this month's issue was a very tongue in cheek article on predictions for 2011.
Here's the full list. The one that had me chuclling the most was "Tom Cruise's latest attempt to regain his popularity will see him on Dancing with the Stars. Defying all industry predictions, it will turn out to be the lowest-rated episode ever." Ha. Oh and "The list of superheroes to base movies on will become distressingly thin. Tobey Maguire will vow to make people forget Spider-Man when he accepts the role of Mighty Mouse, directed by Ridley Scott." *snork* I can picture it, too!
Actress Emmy Rossum is playing Fiona in the American version of Shameless, starting up in January. Even though the trailer gives me a lot of serious doubts, i think she might be the one bright spot in it. She's the only one on the brief glimpse in the trailer that looks like she really suits the part so far.
Had a lovely meal at Moxie's last night with my friend D. and we exchanged gifts. She gave me a really pretty floral brooch in coral shades with sparklies. I'll have to take a pic of it. Our meal was good, and as always, i shouldn't have had dessert because i was so full after! She's got a Sony ebook reader so we're going to get together next week and i'll give her that ebook library i've got.
Really looking forward to spending time with my family over Christmas. I stay over at Mom's for a couple of nights and the three kids (I say "kids" because it's easier to say than "my nephews and niece" but they aren't kids anymore really. They're adults and lovely ones, too!) anyway the kids stay over as well for Christmas morning. Well, two of them live there already but the third comes as well. It's nice to get up on Christmas morning to a houseful! We can't open presents until sis and R. get there, though, so it's breakfast first and then sitting looking longingly at the gifts under the tree, while texting L. to get her to hurry up!