Rate My Professor-NC-17

Nov 27, 2012 00:12

Author: angryzen 
Fandom: The Vampire Diaries
Pairing: Bonnie/Shane
Characters: Bonnie Bennett, Professor Shane, Caroline Forbes, Elena Gilbert.
Summary: College preparedness includes meeting your professor before the first day of class. A visit to Whitmore leads to Bonnie's first teacher evaluation, Caroline's turn as a mentor, and Elena's first blood high. 
Timeline: The tweets take place between 4.01 and 4.03.
Part 1,   Part 2

Part 3 of 5

The drive to Whitmore took an hour and fifty minutes. Bonnie began to let go of her disappointment at having two tag-alongs when the markers that signaled the distance to the college began to appear.

She breathed new air when she got out of the car. The scene on campus looked so different from what she was used to at the high school that she momentarily forgot about her companions.

“Bonnie, are you sure you’re okay with this?” Elena asked after she came around the back of the car. She had grabbed the passenger’s seat without a second thought once she and Caroline had made it back to Bonnie’s house. Caroline had given her a sideways glance. They were both skipping school for the trip.

“We’re already here, aren’t we?” Bonnie asked as nicely as she could. “No going back now, though I’m sure you guys could’ve done this back home.”


!fic, character: bonnie bennett, !nc17

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