Rate My Professor-NC-17

Nov 14, 2012 20:28

Author: angryzen 
Fandom: The Vampire Diaries
Pairing: Bonnie/Shane
Characters: Bonnie Bennett, Professor Shane, Caroline Forbes, Elena Gilbert.
Summary: College preparedness includes meeting your professor before the first day of class. A visit to Whitmore leads to Bonnie's first teacher evaluation, Caroline's turn as a mentor, and Elena's first blood high. 
Timeline: The tweets take place between 4.01 and 4.03.
A/N1: I might turn this into a four-parter. Bonnie and Shane are talking/subtly flirting a lot more in part 3 than I anticipated.

Bonnie's trip to Whitmore almost didn't happen, because a vampire came close to killing her while she was trying to choose between two outfits.

Part 2

!fic, character: bonnie bennett, character: caroline forbes

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