Okay, I know what you're thinking. These two shows have nothing to do with each other. And, other than the fact that the blonde character is wearing a blue jacket, how can you make this into an appropriate comparison picspam?
Fine. You caught me. It's mostly coat porn. So sue me.
But, after deciding to look at these coats in greater detail, I found out there are actually a lot of similarities. For serious.
To start off, these are both trademark outfits for Buffy and Chloe, despite the fact that neither had worn the coat before or has since outside of flashbacks (I know that for a fact for Chloe, and don't take my Whedon fangirl badge if that's not the fact for Buffy). But seriously. If you're a fan of either show, pick out the outfits you most remember for either character. I guarantee our heroines' blue trenchcoats will be on the list.
And do you know why they're memorable, other than they're freaking stylish like no other? Well, there are a few reasons.
"Becoming I and II" for Buffy, "Vessel" and "Zod" for Smallville.
And while the episodes may differ in plotlines, they contain one very important element in common:
Although JM never makes an appearance onscreen with the blue coat, his presence is always worth mentioning. Also, you know that man has styling taste and completely approves of the awesomeness that is the blue coat.
Back to actual comparisons.
3. They accessorize their FABULOUS BLUE COAT the SAME WAY.
Okay, so Buffy's top is more cream-colored. And Chloe's pants are probably more coal black than grey. And Buffy's tiny necklace could never compare with Chloe's neck bling. BUT they're basically the same. Out of all the ways you could dress up your freaking awesome blue coat, these are strangely similar. I blame any differences on Buffy's failed fisticuffs with 90s tackiness.
4a. They fight in their BLUE COAT and look FINE.
Fighting your psychopathic ex v. crazy hobos = totally the same.
4b. They hit the ground in their BLUE COAT and STILL LOOK FINE.
In Buffy's case, she's thrown down by her ex. In Chloe's case, she's thrown down on top of her ex.
5. They threaten their exes with BODILY HARM while in their BLUE COAT.
But we all know the blue coat is fierce enough to burn any non-believer's eyes out, guns and stakes not needed.
And finally, and most importantly,
6. It's THE OUTFIT they wear during THE SEQUENCE.
There's a reason why this outfit is iconic for both characters. It's because of each of these sequences. "Chloe's Getting Saved by Clark/The Kiss" and "Whistler's Voiceover/Buffy Running to Save Her Friends" are each one of the best scenes in their respective shows. I mean, can you think of Chloe without thinking of her end of the world kiss? How about Buffy without the blue coat flowing behind her in slow-mo as she runs as fast as she can (but not fast enough)? These scenes are culminations of each character's arc for the season, and thus enormously memorable.
So there you go. Massive coat porn featuring two of my favorite kickass blondes. The next time you see a blue trenchcoat, just think about if you could rock it even half as well as these chicks can.
picspammy's Compare/Contrast Challenge.
Screencaps from
Screencap Paradise and
Smallville Dedication.