TM: Quick, Painless and Easy

Jun 09, 2013 22:57

Title: Fuss
Series: Quick, Painless and Easy
Author: Vashti (tvashti)
Fandom: Tin Man
Character(s): Wyatt Cain, Ahamo, Azkadellia
Rating: PG
Summary: Cain and Ahamo wonder, and worry, about the Princess Azkadellia's mysterious project.
Length: ~1100 words
tm_challenge Prompt: fuss (circa 2009)
Disclaimer: Only the words are mine, and that’s probably up for philosophical debate.Series title inspired by the song of the same name by Ivy.
Dedication: You. For reading. You're amazing, did you know that?
Notes: Written for 2009's Big Prompt Table seasonal challenge at tm_challenge. If you want to follow along, my prompt table is here. Although if you do, that is some serious dedication on your part, dude, and I feel honored.
Notes2: Sigh...this story was supposed to be posted a week after "High Ground" (it was written and everything!) but life conspired against me. There's one more already-written story after that. All fingers crossed that it goes up next weekend!

( 1a: to create or be in a state of restless activity... 2a: to become upset )

char: wyatt cain, challenge: tm_challenge, char: ahamo, char: azkadellia, series: qpe, rating: pg

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