I wonder what the next dance is?

Nov 26, 2007 19:59

The Basics 
Name: Susan
Nickname:  Suzie, Kitty, and Raine are names that people sometimes use to refer to me.
Age: 16
Gender: Female

Likes: Anime, fanfiction, mystery or fantasy books, rpg videogames, classical music, cats, psychology, rain, night, and a certain guy in my class that I'm not really sure if I "like like" *blushes*
Dislikes: Reality shows(Survivor, American Idol, etc.), running(I can't run very well in Gym), Math, people with no sense of humor or cannot hold intelligent conversations, as well as those who mistreat others badly, rap music, parties(I'm not incredibly social and I end up by myself at most parties) and the girl that also likes the guy that I like*grr...*
Hobbies: writing, reading a good book, playing a videogame or with my cat, taking walks outside, sketching, helping my Mom with cooking or her art
Talents: I seem to be a good writer...and I am pretty decent at singing(was in choir for a while) Also, I'm a good swimmer and pretty decent at basketball.
Ambitions/Goals: I want to get involved in psychology (maybe psychiatry) and major in that in college. I haven't exactly decided where I'll go from there, but I guess I'll just wing it.
Strong points: I'm smart and I know a lot of things that others don't, and I always seem to be a good person to seek advice from.
Weak points: Impatient and kinda lazy from what I'm told, as well as being told that I tend to talk too much sometimes and have a bit of a short temper. Also, I'm very indecisive, and it takes forever for me to make a decision, because I think I might be afraid that it'll be the wrong choice in the long run.
Your personality in 3 words:  smart, quiet, introvertive
Mature/immature: Mature, because I think I'm somewhat responsible
Outgoing/shy: Shy
Graceful/clumsy: I think more clumsy than graceful, I'm always smacking into something ^_^
Optimistic/pessimistic: A little pessimistic, as the first thing I think of in a situation is the bad.
Leader/follower: Follower. Otherwise I might make bad decisions.

Color: Forest green or a light blue
Animal: Cats
Food: Pasta(spaghetti, ramen, macaroni, etc.)
Scents/smells: I like the smell of flowers, like lilys, roses, cherry blossoms, and some carnations.
Fairy tale: Maybe Sleeping Beauty, because I think I'm still waiting for my prince to come >_^ (Or would that be Rapunzel? You know what, it probably is)
Princess Tutu character, explain: I kinda like Mytho, because in the beginning, he was someone who was just doing what he thought would make other people happy, and I think we both have that in common. We both do things only to please others or make them happy, but not really doing anything to make ourselves happy because we might not really know what it is that makes us happy. But then again, its almost similar to Princess Tutu, except she knows what it is she wants to make herself happy(getting the shards back for Mytho)

Least Favorite 
Color: Pink
Animal: Insects, they're kinda disgusting and gross...
Food: Meatloaf. Don't know why, but I can't stand it...
Scents/smells: I've never really thought about things like that, but I would guess things like garbage and the like.
Fairy tale: Cinderella. If someone, no less my stepmother, was treating me like that, I wouldn't take it lying down. I would of rebelled against them a long time ago...
Princess Tutu character, explain: Drosselmeyer. He kinda creeps me out, but hey, if he didn't, then he wouldn't be Drosselmeyer, now would he?

Have you ever taken ballet lessons? How did you find the experience? I've never done ballet(considered it) but I did do gymnastics for a while.
If you find out that the only way to save the one you love is to disappear into a flash of light, what would you do? I would disapper, because if its for the one I love, then I would definately do it.
If your life were a fairy tale, which would it be (and why?)  I'm not sure, maybe Sleeping Beauty because I'm just whittling time away until a special someone comes along to "wake me up"
Picture (optional -- feel free to just describe yourself if you don't have/don't want to post pictures): I have long brown hair, wear glasses, greyish-blue eyes, pale skin, and tend to dress in jeans and long sleeved shirts with long jackets over top
Links to 3 apps you voted on (edit your post as you go on): 
Anything else? :  

ahiru, rue, !stamped

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