Fic for a Pic- AU Historic

Aug 21, 2008 20:39

Title: Ano hi no kawa he
Category: AU history
Warnings/Rating: PG for mentions of violence and boy kissing
Words: 653

The young man had been sitting next to the river for about three hours now, and his anxiety had grown with every passing minute. Waiting was cruel sometimes, even more cruel, because he knew he couldn't do anything but wait and pray.

If the meeting had just lasted longer... If they had just been more cautious... If his father just hadn't entered the room that moment...

He pressed his palms to his eyes, trying to hold back the tears from coming again. His body still hurt from the beating, but that wasn't the reason he had cried. He had cried because his father had threatened things, and because he was scared, scared to death. He didn't know what they were talking about now back in the Nagayama estate. But he had a very bad feeling about it.

If just...

He heard someone pass by on the path above him, and then he smelled the familiar smoke with the strange light scent of anko in it. Suddenly relieved, he jumped to his feet and stormed up the bank.


The man turned around, looked back and grinned. “Hey, Takashi.” He dropped his luggage to the ground and Takashi felt the older's eyes scanning him intensely. “You ok?”

He smiled and nodded. “I am.” Then, he approached his lover slowly, checking on every detail about him. He didn't want to ask, didn't want to hear the answer, yet he had to.“How about you?”

“I'm unharmed. Nobody's even touched me.” There was a strong overtone of disapproval in the taller man's voice, and Takashi knew that it was about his father and how he tended to deal with his son. Yuichi had never voiced it, but the way he talked about it gave him away.

“But…?” Something had to have happened, something horrible. “He wouldn't let it slip so easily...” Then he took in the luggage. “Wait... no... Yuichi! Don't tell me you left?!”

“He insisted in it.” The tone was plain, giving away not a single emotion.”You know, he's my legal guardian. I have to obey.” A sigh. “I'll go to Tokio and become a doctor.”

Takashi blinked. “A doctor?”

“Yes. The Nagayama clan is full of doctors, and thus I am expected to become one as well... as are you.” He smiled slightly.

“I knoooow.” The shorter one pouted. “I'm not so much younger than you!”

Another grin, but this one was sad. “Then you can cope without me?”

He pressed his lips firmly shut. Could he? He had been alone before the older boy had entered his life ten years before. He had been able to handle loneliness back then, but Yuichi had become so much more than just plain company to him, and he really had no idea if he would be able to go on without him.

Something heavy being lowered on his head shook him from his thoughts. When he reached up, his fingers touched the raspy fabric of his lover's favorite peaked cap. His eyes widened in surprise. “What... No! It's yours, it’s the only important reminder of your real father, you can't give it to me!” he shook his head violently, until large hands grabbed it firm, but gentle, and Yuichi pressed his lips onto Takashi's for some split seconds.

“Not a present. I'd rather ask you to keep it for me. Tokyo is said to be a dangerous place. I wouldn’t want it to be stolen or something.”

“But...” Takashi gulped. “I cannot...”

“Just bring it along, when you come to Tokyo as well, ok?”




“I'll be waiting.”

At those words, the younger boys resolve melted and the tears started to flow. “I'll come!” he threw himself into his lover’s arms. “I'll come! And of course I'll watch over the cap!”

Yuichi smiled. “Thank you.” And, low enough that Takashi nearly missed it:

“And please, hurry. You know that I hate waiting.”

challenge, fanfic

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