Happy New Year

Jan 02, 2004 23:42

Welcome to 2004 everyone. And let me say, it recieved a warm welcome at the silverman/patuto new years bash. I just would like to say if you dont wanna read about my drunken revelries, Stop fucking reading and dont bitch me out later. having said that. Holy fuck we got loaded.

----i drank many beers, and an entrie bottle of champagne myself.
----Rob and i were untouchable at the Scud (Beiruit) table. with 4 or 5 consecutive wines. i think 5, he thinks 4. i dont really remember enough to argue my point well, so i just assume 5.
----on the subject of memory. i have none. I remember only what people tell me and the flashing moment of clarity in my otherwise alcohol soaked night. Like i have no memory of getting into bed... but i did. Nor do i remember flirting with practically every female there. But i was told it did. M'eh, consider this a tandem apology if i really did. But what matters is i didnt sleep with any of them.
----It took us 4 hours on the morning of the 1st to clean up and restore robs house to standing order. We had to clean the floors.
----there are certain parties who dont even remember the ball dropping.
----we didnt have enough places for people to sleep.. floors were used.
----every person that came left smiling and or hung over.
----a "box 'o' Joe" was brought in to aid in morning after damage control.
----if you have any more information as to the missing hours of my life, please feel free to return it to me
---many photos were taken. i want copies.
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