warning. this post is not aimed at anyone specifically. i am just in a shitty mood

Dec 24, 2003 22:10

ok, fuck off? how about that? just fuck off? i work really hard. every day. i deal with snot nose little kids whom i would rather not ever think about. i come home to a shitty relationship[ with my little brother and father. And honestly i am doing everything i can to get the fuck out of here as soon as possible. I go to work every day so i can have enough money to not get more broke. And then in my spare time i bend myself over backwards to be good to my friends and family. I do everything to just cruise along and have a good time. but no, you bunch of fucktards abuse me. and disrespect me. you have the balls to disrespect me. well FUCK YOU! i have worked harder and learned morer than most of you bastardds could hope to understand. and if you dont care to think for 5 god damn seconds abotu that before you speak. find the nearest cliff, and take long walk. cuz i dont give a damn about you. and i am done bending over. done.
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